
OUTRAGEOUS: Government Misrepresents Flynn Evidence, Claims: We’re Not Giving You the Documents Basically Because We Don’t Want To!

The government’s outrageous case against General Flynn continues.  In their latest replies the government claims that prior evidence was in error and basically that we don’t have to give you evidence because we don’t want to!

General Michael Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, knows who she is dealing with and won’t take the government’s inadequate excuses to support its horrible crimes against General Flynn.  Powell requested additional documents from the government that would exonerate General Flynn that the government refuses to provide.  The government has a duty to provide this information but they won’t provide it.

In a recent rebuttal by the the government who is denying providing the General the original notes on the FBI’s interview with Flynn in the White House the government claimed that the notes from the agents were proper and provided what they claim is the original notes.  But Internet sleuths pointed out how outrageous the government’s position is.

In a letter to the court yesterday, the government now claims that they misidentified the notes from the corrupt FBI agents who ambushed General Flynn at the White House –

Sidney Powell announced the government’s latest twist and said the government first disclosed this information in March of 2018.  “All the more reason to require originals of everything without redactions, handwriting samples, all 302s, audit trail, metadata-entire file”.  She’s right – this is outrageous –

On November 4th, Powell provided a sur-surreply to the court in support of the General’s motion demanding the government turn over the Brady material the General is entitled to.  It this response, Powell claims that the government’s position is, “it had no obligation to produce its superflyuity of Brady evidence before Mr. Flynn pleaded guilty – because he was not a defendant until he was formally charged.  And, it had no obligation to produce its cache after he pleaded guilty (the same or next day) – well… because his guilty plea erased his obligation.” –

It would have been more honest if the goons in the government just said – we’re not going to give you the Brady material because we don’t like you and we don’t want to.

Our DOJ and FBI are current in shambles – outrageous.

The post OUTRAGEOUS: Government Misrepresents Flynn Evidence, Claims: We’re Not Giving You the Documents Basically Because We Don’t Want To! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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