
Report: Eric Ciaramella Requested Bio Stripped From Book Review Around Early September When IG Letter Sent to Congress

A curious thing took place around early September around the time the ICIG sent a letter dated September 9 to House Intelligence Committee about the anonymous whistleblower complaint–the man alleged to be the whistleblower asked that his nearly year-old online book review of Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine by Anne Applebaum be taken down. It was later reportedly reposted but in edited form with his bio stripped. The Washington Examiner reported Wednesday that the editor in chief of the Washington Independent Review of Books, Holly Smith, said that took place at the request of Ciaramella.

Book reviewer Eric Ciaramella.

“The review was online until at least early September this year but was taken down at Ciaramella’s request, Holly Smith, editor in chief of the Washington Independent Review of Books, told the Washington Examiner. It was later republished, omitting Ciaramella’s biography, but a cached version of the original still exists.”

The direct link to Ciaramella’s review dated October 21, 2017 is now dead.

The bio at the end of the review read:

“Eric Ciaramella is a deputy national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia on the National Intelligence Council. He previously served on the staff of the National Security Council, where he was responsible for U.S. policy toward Ukraine. The views expressed in this review belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the official positions of the United States Government.”

All that is left is an excerpt on the main page for reviews of Red Famine and on the same excerpt on the sole review on reviewer page in Ciaramella’s name.


In this riveting and well-researched new work, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Anne Applebaum provides a vivid account of the chain of events and calculated political decisions that led to one of the largest, but relatively understudied, mass atrocities of the 20th century … As she leads her reader through this dizzyingly complex period, Applebaum argues that these events taught the early Bolshevik leadership…chapters about the famine itself are at once breathtaking and deeply distressing. Applebaum has mined a vast trove of memoirs and oral histories, much of it material that has not been available to researchers until recently, to chronicle the physical, psychological, and societal impacts of mass starvation … Applebaum continually returns to the themes of collective complicity and the impossible choices individuals had to make.

The first to notice the discrepancy appears to be on October 11 by the Twitter account of Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit, “Washington Independent Review of Books appears to have removed Eric Ciaramella’s review of book by arch-neocon Anne Applebaum, online as recently as Sep 6, 2019. Still available on google cache:”

A prescient observer noted Google Cache disappears articles and was right on this one, it’s now gone. However, they linked to Archive which captured the Google Cache of Ciaramella’s review.

September 9 letter by Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson:

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