

Guest post by Ted Malloch

Last week our esteemed President photoshopped (yes, ha, ha, ha) this photo of himself as a bare-chested boxer and sent it out on his massive Twitter account—worldwide.

It was from Rocky III and its star, Sylvester Stallone, is actually a big fan of the President, who he endorsed.

One pundit commented, “No president has ever fought as hard as President @realDonaldTrump on behalf of hardworking, taxpaying, Constitution supporting, God-fearing, middle- and working-class, patriotic, every day, American citizens.”

And the loony Left and their cadres of CNN and MSNBC flunkies, mockingly called him, “delusional” and “narcissistic”, as they always and incessantly do.

Trump is a warrior President, what we call a GEO DEUS in our new book Trump’s World with that subtitle: https://www.amazon.com/Trumps-World-Theodore-Roosevelt-Malloch/dp/163006131X.

We argue that, “the world also needs Trump and America to learn the value of the nation state and policies based on the community called the “nation.”

Recall the Rocky movies premiered in 1976 and quickly became classic American sports drama favorites that spawned seven sequels, many winning Academy Awards.

The theme is that the down and out, underdog, street fighter from South Philly battles to victory after victory, winning hard fought championships, accolades and the ‘golden belt’ against all adversaries and on comers, Russians included.

But is wasn’t easy.

Watch the trailer of the Rocky movies here, in case you need to jog your memory:

The film could truthfully be remade about Donald J. Trump and his unlikely populist and patriotic 2016 electoral season and then taking on the deep state and all his nasty media and political adversaries—to: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

2020 is the sequel movie about KEEPING AMERICA GREAT!

We see Trump taking on the crooked establishment, the zealous bureaucratic wonks, Never Trumpers, and his congressional nemeses, even as they try to illegitimately impeach him because just like Rocky—there is NO WAY they can beat him.

And now around the world we find new Trumps emerging—Salvini in Italy, Boris in Great Britain, Bolsanaro in Brazil, Orban in Hungary, and the list just keeps growing.

Trump has transformed not only American politics but world politics, as well.

While he had a surprise Thanksgiving dinner with our troops in Afghanistan who were ecstatic to see him as their patron saint and commander in chief, half a world away the democratic protesters in Hong Kong carried his photo ala Rocky, as they took on the evil communist red dragon of Beijing.

Bring it on…

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch is a scholar, diplomat, and strategist who was active in the Trump campaign in 2016. His soon to be released book, is Trump’s World: GEODEUS.

The post Ted Malloch: THE WORLD NEEDS “THIS” ROCKY appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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