
VIDEO: Jesse Watters Airs Segment on The Drudge Report and its Slide from Staunch Trump Supporter to Never-Trump Leader

Since 2017 Matt Drudge and The Drudge Report has gone from staunch Trump supporter to Never-Trump.
It’s obvious to everyone.

The millions of daily conservative readers hope for a change from the media leader but it’s unlikely.
Matt Drudge is pushing for President Trump to be removed from office in a Democrat coup.
This makes no sense.

Jesse Watters aired a segment on The Drudge Report’s turn from pro-Trump to Trump-hater.

His guest Howard Kurtz did not add anything to the conversation. His responses did not even make sense.

Howard Kurtz is a joke.  He has no idea how Donald Trump won the Presidency.  He considers the mainstream media neutral in their reporting.  This is frankly insane coming from anyone who studies the media.

The media in the age of Trump is not just ‘fake news’, it is corrupt, as rightly argued by the President. 

There were very few media outlets that supported the President before the 2016 election.  Their messages acted as a counter weight to the MSM corrupt media bias.  Americans have had enough of the MSM’s love for Obama, who could do no wrong.  He and his administration were given a pass on its many crimes and scandals: Benghazi, the Paris Climate deal, the multi-billion dollar Iran deal, sending pallets of cash to Iran, Hillary’s email scandal, the IRS targeting scandal, and exoneration by Obama’s corrupt DOJ and FBI – no big deal!

But everything President Trump does is wrong.  The DOW is having its best three years in history but crickets from the corrupt MSM.

Drudge Report was one media outlet that supported Trump but no longer.  A reader might as well go look at VOX or Salon – bogus dishonest left-wing drivel.

The MSM is so hateful in the age of Trump and now you can add Drudge to that list.

Drudge’s change is so dramatic that it warrants more than a change in position, it appears more sinister.   Did some left wing titan buy him out or threaten him?  

There was a planned effort after Hillary lost the election.  Take out all pro-Trump conservative publishers and thought leaders in social media – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google.  This is done.  The next objective was to take out Drudge.  It looks like they succeeded.

Republicans are so worthless, either that or they are dishonest and corrupt.  Republicans don’t even know how they won under candidate Trump.  They don’t realize how they keep winning.  It was a fantastic candidate in Trump and the conservative publishers and their ability to counteract the media bias on social media.   But this is over, the socials have implemented leftwing fascist techniques to prevent free speech in the US.  This how fascists topple a country.  They are doing it today.

It’s time to wake up America.  Drudge is gone.  The socials, the Democrats, the lapdog media are fascists curtailing free speech.

We must fight for the right to speak freely.



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