
As She Travels to Meet the Queen, Washington Post Hack Attacks First Lady Melania Trump Over Coat She Wore for White House Christmas Decorations

The Washington Post attacked First Lady Melania Trump Monday for wearing a coat she while unveiling the White House Christmas decorations. The article was published as the First Lady flew with her husband President Trump to London where she is set to meet Queen Elizabeth at a NATO summit reception at Buckingham Palace.

Petty doesn’t begin to describe the Post hit by longtime fashion critic Robin Givhan.

“Perspective: Melania Trump’s Christmas decorations are lovely, but that coat looks ridiculous…”

Excerpt via SFGate which picked up the syndicated column.

First lady Melania Trump unveiled this year’s White House Christmas decorations in a gauzy video in which she strolls through the public rooms marveling at their holiday luster. She gingerly adjusts a single red rose in a lush floral swag draped over a mantelpiece and delicately sprinkles glittery faux snow on one of the many white-decorated trees. The theme this year is “The Spirit of America” and the dominant color is wintry white with festive bursts of holiday red. It’s all quite lovely. So there’s that.

For her tour, Trump wears all white: a dress with a simple jewel neckline, white stiletto-heeled pumps and a white coat. The coat is draped over her shoulders as she strolls through the White House.

The coat looks ridiculous.

But more than a silly fashion folly, the coat is a distraction. It’s a discomforting affectation taken to a ludicrous extreme. In a video that is intended to celebrate the warmth and welcoming spirit of the holiday season, that simple flourish exudes cold, dismissive aloofness.

After going on and on about the coat, Givhan closes with a nasty shot at Melania over her recent speech in Baltimore on opioid abuse where she was booed by school children.

Trump is keen on coats. In 2018, she used the graffiti on the back of a Zara coat to deliver the fashion equivalent of machine gunfire to all who caught a glimpse of it when she made a trip to visit detained migrant children: “I Really Don’t Care. Do U?” Last week, when she spoke to students in Baltimore on the opioid crisis, she wore a brown trench coat buttoned up to her neck, giving it the look of a fencing jacket. She did not look at ease in the situation – and who could blame her after the president had insulted the city as “rodent infested” and “filthy?” Trump, who was booed, resembled a woman who pays a visit to someone’s home and refuses their invitation to “have a seat” because she suspects the chair might be soiled.

Trump rarely delivers long, formal speeches. In the realm of politics, her casual remarks are notably brief. She is most voluble using the language of aesthetics. She has asked that she be judged on what she does rather than what she wears. But as both a host and a guest, her attire would be less attention-grabbing if she took off her coat and indicated that she was happy to stay a while.

Perhaps Ms. Givhan was triggered by the close up of Mrs. Trump’s wedding ring in the White House video?

BTW, is the Gateway Arch in the White House decorations a nod to The Gateway Pundit? We’d like to think so.

The post As She Travels to Meet the Queen, Washington Post Hack Attacks First Lady Melania Trump Over Coat She Wore for White House Christmas Decorations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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