
Rudy Giuliani Demolishes Schiff’s Sham Impeachment Report – Responds to Democrats’ Spying on His Phone Calls

The House’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on Tuesday released the much-anticipated “Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report.”

The Democrats accused President Trump of abusing his power, obstruction and witness intimidation.

Schiff also obtained his own committee’s ranking member GOP Rep. Devin Nunes and Nunes’s aide Derek Harvey’s phone records as part of the “impeachment inquiry.”

“It is deeply concerning that at a time when the president of the United States was using the power of his office to dig up dirt on a political rival, that there may be evidence that there were members of Congress complicit in that activity,” Schiff said on Tuesday of Nunes’ communications with Ukrainian-American Lev Parnas and Rudy Giuliani.


But it wasn’t just Rep. Nunes and his aide Derek Harvey whose phone records were obtained by Democrats.

Schiff and Democrats obtained phone records for President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and investigative reporter John Solomon!

This appears to violate President Trump’s constitutional rights!

On Wednesday morning former New York City Mayor and Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani responded to Schiff’s sham impeachment report. Of course, Rudy noted that the fact that he is speaking with his client, the president of the United States, “does not establish any topic.”

Rudy Giuliani: The mere fact I had numerous calls with the White House does not establish any specific topic. Remember, I’m the President’s attorney. They’ve already taken away @realDonaldTrump’s right to call witnesses, cross-examine, confront his accusers, or be represented by counsel at hearings. Now he can’t talk to his counsel on the telephone?

This is CNN’s version of America? Coming to a theatre near you!

The post Rudy Giuliani Demolishes Schiff’s Sham Impeachment Report – Responds to Democrats’ Spying on His Phone Calls appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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