
Trump Supporter Crashes Bernie Sanders Event in Iowa – Tells Crowd Socialism Doesn’t Work (VIDEO)

A Trump supporter managed to get the microphone at a Bernie Sanders event in Iowa this weekend. He didn’t cause a major disruption, but the Bernie supporters didn’t seem to appreciate his message.

The man claimed that he voted for Bernie in the last election but has since changed his mind.

FOX News has details:

Trump supporter grabs spotlight at Sanders event with a message for the president

A Trump supporter took center stage at an Iowa campaign event for 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on Saturday, where he stood up and delivered a message to President Trump.

Sanders sensed trouble from the beginning when he saw the young man approach the microphone and said, “Oh, he’s looking at his phone. I’m in trouble.”

After being given the mic to ask Sanders a question, the man addressed the commander in chief directly, offering him words of encouragement.

“Mr. Trump, keep going man. You’re doing a good job,” he said. “You know what, I’m a liberal.”…

“You can laugh all you want,” he shouted. “Donald Trump is helping our country. All right? He’s a good man… Socialism does not work.”

Watch the video below:

Bernie at least deserves credit for not shutting the guy down.

You also have to give the man in the video some credit. It’s not easy to go into a campaign event for another candidate and speak your mind in today’s political environment.

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