
Former Obama DNI James Clapper Was Upset that Mitch McConnell Would Not Sit for Briefing on His BS Russian Conspiracies

Earlier this week we discovered the Trump-Russia entire dossier was completely fabricated.
Dossier author Christopher Steele admitted he destroyed his notes and “wiped” his computer after creating the junk dossier.

Via Byron York and Chuck Ross.

And the Comey FBI and Obama DOJ ran with the dossier anyway in order to destroy and remove Donald Trump from office.

This was a huge development.

And Deep State operatives linked to John Podesta GOT PAID to say it was legit!

EXCLUSIVE: Chris Steele’s Firm Orbis Business Intelligence Used Three Deep State Actors to Claim Its Junk Dossier was Legit – One Was Reportedly Paid $4 Million To Do So

Now a new book is coming out by David Rohde that claims former corrupt DNI James Clapper was upset that GOP Leader would not sit for a briefing on his BS Russian conspriracies.

Of course, Paul Ryan was more than willing to sit for the absolute garbage briefing.
McConnell would not sit for the briefing until September of 2016.

We now know that Russia spent a grand total of 100,000 on Facebook ads during the election which was meaningless.
And we know the Russian dossier was complete bullsh*t.

Clapper should be jailed with John Brennan.

The Washington Examiner reported:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s apparent lack of enthusiasm to combat Russian interference in the 2016 election changed spy chief James Clapper’s opinion of the top Republican.

According to David Rohde’s recently published book, In Deep: The FBI, the CIA and the Truth about America’s “Deep State,” McConnell repeatedly told the Obama administration he did not have time to be briefed on Russian interference. In late summer 2016, President Barack Obama asked intelligence officials to brief the four top Democrats and Republicans in Congress on the election meddling before it became public. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Paul Ryan, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi quickly received the briefings, the book said.

“When Clapper called McConnell to set up the briefing, he did not respond. McConnell finally received the briefing in early September,” Rohde wrote.

Clapper, the director of national intelligence from 2010 to January 2017, said he was surprised that some Republicans, particularly McConnell, did not take election interference more seriously.

The post Former Obama DNI James Clapper Was Upset that Mitch McConnell Would Not Sit for Briefing on His BS Russian Conspiracies appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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