
Iowa Democrat Won’t Say Whether Illegal Border Crossings Should be Decriminalized (VIDEO)

Theresa Greenfield is a Democrat who is running for the United States Senate in Iowa.

During a recent debate, she was asked a direct question about illegal border crossings.

Instead of providing a direct answer, she deflected by going on and on about how our immigration system is broken.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Iowa Democrat Refuses to Say Whether Illegal Border Crossings Should be Decriminalized

Iowa Senate candidate Theresa Greenfield refused to take a position on decriminalizing illegal border crossings at the Democratic primary debate on Monday.

Asked by Iowa Press host David Yepsen if it should be “illegal to cross the border without documentation,” Greenfield failed to offer a stance, saying, “We need to address issues like that.”

“Our immigration system is broken. We need to modernize it. We need to address issues like that. We need to make sure that it’s humane. We need to make sure that it does keep our borders safe,” Greenfield said.

“But anything specific about this particular question on coming into the U.S. without proper paperwork?” Yepsen asked.

“The whole system is broken, Dave,” Greenfield said.

Greenfield has previously faced criticism for being vague on policy. She failed to outline positions on her campaign website until February—more than nine months after announcing her candidacy in June—according to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine.

Watch the video:

There are other people vying for the Democratic nomination but Greenfield is polling well.

If she is the nominee, she’ll be running against Republican Joni Ernst.

This clip will come back to haunt her.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

The post Iowa Democrat Won’t Say Whether Illegal Border Crossings Should be Decriminalized (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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