
Anna Makanju Is Not Only Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy and Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine But She’s Also Recipient of a Soros Fellowship

We reported early Sunday that Facebook has been censoring conservative voices since 2017.

The Gateway Pundit has been speaking out on this unconstitutional assault on Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press for years now.

Back in September 2018 The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft spoke to Congress on Facebook’s assault on free speech.

But Facebook censorship against conservatives has only gotten worse over the years.  And we can confirm that Facebook is ramping up their censorship against out publication significantly the last three weeks — an election is coming up.

On Saturday the Conservative Treehouse broke the story that Facebook’s lead executive on Election Policy is Joe Biden’s former advisor to Ukraine.  Anna Makanju works for Facebook today after advising the Biden Crime family in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

Fool Nelson first posted this on Anna Makanju on Twitter.

And now this…

Now we can now report that Anna Makanju is:

Facebook’s executive in charge of public policy who leads efforts to ensure election integrity, 

A former Biden senior policy advisor for Ukraine. 

The person at Facebook who is no doubt involved in conveniently blocking the Hunter Biden email reports from spreading on Facebook.

Connected to corrupt ‘whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella from the Ukraine impeachment sham.

Associated with the Atlantic Council.

But, she is also a fellow and recipient of the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for new Americans.  (Paul Soros was the older brother of George Soros.)

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