
Bannon: Feds Moved Former Hunter Associate Bevan Cooney to Isolation to Prevent Further Leaks on Biden Crime Family

On Friday news broke that Hunter Biden’s former business partner Bevan Cooney had flipped.

Cooney, who is currently serving time in a federal facility in Oregon over a bond scheme, recently connected to journalists Matthew Tyrmand and Peter Schweizer and turned over his emails to the investigative journalists.

Bevan Cooney reportedly turned over 26,000 business emails to the journalists.

Then on Tuesday Bevan Cooney was removed from the federal facility in Oregon and moved to a new location.

Peter Schweizer reported:

Reporter Matthew Tyrmand also tweeted out the news.

On Wednesday Matthew Tyrmand joined Laura Ingraham to give an update on Bevan Cooney.

According to Tyrmand authorities moved Cooney from a work camp with white collar criminals to solitary confinement in a more dangerous facility.

Bevan Cooney only has one month more to serve.
He is now allegedly isolated from any contacts.

On Thursday Steve Bannon told the War Room audience that Bevan Tooney is in isolation to prevent further leaks against the Biden Crime Family.

The post Bannon: Feds Moved Former Hunter Associate Bevan Cooney to Isolation to Prevent Further Leaks on Biden Crime Family appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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