
BREAKING: Biden Campaign Pulls Ad After Truth About Wealthy MI Bar Owner Is Exposed By Conservative Media

Yesterday, we wrote about Joe Malcoun, co-owner of the popular “The Blind Pig” bar in Ann Abor, MI, home to Univ. of Michigan, who appeared in a new Joe Biden television ad, where he blamed President Trump for Gretchen Whitmer’s decision to shut down businesses during the COVID pandemic.

In the “The Blind Pig” ad, Joe Malcoun is simply identified as “Joe.” The Biden campaign ad never mentions that Joe’s a wealthy business owner or that he frequently hosts big-ticket fundraisers for high profile Democrats in Michigan.

Joe Malcoun at a high-ticket fundraiser he hosted for Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow (MI) and Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-MA)

“We don’t know how much longer we can survive,” Joe tells viewers.

In the ad, Malcoun falsely accuses President Trump of his business woes, “This is the reality of Trump’s COVID response,” he says, adding, “We don’t know how much longer we can survive not having any revenue.”

The truth is, “Joe” is a wealthy business owner, and he’s also a large donor and fundraiser for the Democratic Party. On July 1, he told the Detroit Free Press that he and his business partners had “other income sources” and that The Blind Pig was just a “passion project.”

“This is Donald Trump’s economy,” says the Democratic Party fundraiser, completely ignoring President Trump’s pleas to MI Governor Gretchen Whitmer to reopen the economy.

“There’s no plan, and you don’t know how to go forward,” Joe Malcoun whined. Like many liberals who are still unwilling to accept the 2016 election results, the angry Democrat tells viewers, “It makes me so angry!”

After the news came out that Joe Malcoun is actually a wealthy tech start-up business owner and investor, and that he regularly hosts large ticket Democrat fundraisers, the Biden campaign pulled the ad.


Here’s the ad that’s been pulled from Youtube by the campaign:

After the campaign pulled the ad, Malcoun posted a notification on his Facebook with a link to The Gateway Pundit article exposing him. Malcoun told his friends he’s “proud of all this.”

“Angry” Joe is apparently now “sad” Joe.

After he was outed as a phony, a Facebook friend expressed his concern for Malcoun. Malcoun responded, “Ad has been pulled. For safety and security.”

It didn’t help Joe’s cause that he admitted in an MLive article that he decided to close The Blind Pig in June, due to low attendance and his frustration over not being able to effectively communicate “what it means to have a really socially distanced and live music show,” adding, “we decided it’s not really worth trying,” so without waiting for the government to close down his establishment, Malcoun and his partner closed it down.

Before the ad was pulled, it was aired during two NFL games and viewed over 1 million times on Twitter and over 366,000 times on YouTube.

Here are the posts from Joe’s Facebook page (that’s been locked down) that exposed him as a wealthy Democrat donor and fundraiser, who encouraged his friends to remain in lockdown.

Screenshots from the “not, so average Joe’s” Facebook page show he was actually in favor of Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s wrecking ball approach to shutting down businesses in late March, telling his Facebook friends, “This sucks. But it’s absolutely the right call,” he says. “Shelter in place, folks,” he tells his Facebook friends.

In addition to being a Democratic Party fundraiser, Joe Malcoun’s Facebook page reveals that he doesn’t appear to be a very nice guy either. On March 7, early on in the pandemic, Malcoun appeared to be wishing COVID would infect President Trump and his supporters when he posted an Axios article about with an image of Trump about a CPAC attendee who tested positive for COVID. Joe wrote, “Ok…so maybe I DO believe in a God.”

Joe Malcoun believes Trump supporters who don’t support the violent domestic terror group, Antifa are Nazis.

“Why is it so hard to understand that being “anti-Antifa” means you’re pro-Nazi?” he asked his followers.

Only two weeks ago, Malcoun hosted a fundraiser for US Senator Gary Peters at Cahoots, the start-up tech hub Malcoun owns in Ann Arbor, MI. According to the invitation, Joe Malcoun, who claims he was devastated by the impact of Trump’s COVID on his business, donated at least $1000 to Peters.

Malcoun hosted another fundraiser in 2018 for Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow. According to the invitation, he contributed $2500 to the re-election campaign of the anti-Trump, MI Democrat Senator.

In a more recent post, Joe again defends the violent domestic terror group, Antifa, telling his followers, if you’re against Antifa and support President Trump, you’re a fascist. According to Joe, the only way to escape being labeled a fascist is to vote for Biden.

The post BREAKING: Biden Campaign Pulls Ad After Truth About Wealthy MI Bar Owner Is Exposed By Conservative Media appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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