
Steve Bannon: The Bidens Are About to Be Hit With Multiple Stories — “We Have Set in Motion the Various Apparatuses to Release Everything”

Earlier this week The New York Post released shocking emails that prove Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at the Burisma Ukrainian energy firm.  This was a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company.

Hunter Biden left his laptop at a computer shop and then neglected to pick it up after several calls. The owner of the computer repair company handed over Hunter’s laptop to the FBI last December.  The FBI hid this evidence from congress and the executive branch during the Pelosi impeachment hearings.  But before the computer store owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, turned over the computer to the FBI he first downloaded much of its contents.  He later gave this information to Rudy Giuliani’s attorney who then worked with Steve Bannon to deliver the information to the New York Post.

The contents from the computer include photos of Hunter Biden with prostitutes and a photo of Hunter sleeping with his crack pipe (or meth pipe) like a pacifier.

** The Hunter Biden emails expose a multi-million dollar pay-for-play scandal involving Joe and Hunter Biden.
** The emails came from Hunter Biden’s computer.
** Already, at least one person in the exposed email chains has corroborated the content of the emails.
** FBI Director Chris Wray hid this information from Congress and the executive branch during the Trump impeachment hoax. The information would have absolved President Trump on day one!
** The American patriot John Paul Mac Isaac who owns the computer repair company spoke with Larry Johnson for The Gateway Pundit on Friday.
** On Saturday John Paul Mac Isaac released a letter from Hunter Biden’s attorney that was sent last week asking for the laptop computers.

On Saturday Steve Bannon sat for an interview with The Revolver.  Bannon warned the Biden Crime Family that there is much more to come — from several outlets — in the coming days.

Revolver: What is the most incriminating thing on the hard drive? Rudy has suggested illegal things, and as Revolver reported the FBI person tasked with the hard drive is associated with the child pornography division. Could you give more insight into how bad it is we’re talking about?

Mr. Bannon: Joe Biden is a liar, a fraud, and compromised by Chinese cash. In short, he is a national security crisis. The hard drive combines emails and text messages that show a massive involvement with companies controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. Also, there are 25,000 images that show a drug-addled, depraved lifestyle — one that decent hardworking Americans will not want near the White House.

Revolver: The FBI has been holding onto the hard drive for almost a year? Any sense of why? Was there any indication that they were seriously interested in criminal case, assuming that there is, in fact, illegal material on there? If not, why would the FBI simply hold onto information like that?

Mr. Bannon: The President must confront the director of the FBI on why the information housed on this hard drive was not moved on immediately. If the content of the hard drive had been released when received in November 2019, there would have been no impeachment of Trump, and Bernie Sanders would be the Democratic Party nominee. This confrontation should take place this weekend in the Oval Office. If Wray doesn’t have a bulletproof reason he should be fired in the room…

Revolver: Is there any reason to expect that the contents of the hard drive will be revealed before the election? If yes, will people actually care enough for it to substantially effect the outcome?

Mr. Bannon: The Bidens are about to be hit with multiple stories from multiple media sources based off evidence beyond the hard drive. Fox and Peter Schweitzer have already started but bigger more mainstream companies are going to weigh in. We already have set in motion the various apparatuses that will release everything.

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