
THE KEY TO VICTORY: True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht Warns Trump Voters — WE MUST OBSERVE, KEEP WATCH OF BALLOT DROP BOXES! –VIDEO

We are rerunning this today with video because of its importance!
Donald Trump is set to WIN in a Massive Election Landslide in November — UNLESS Democrats Are Able to Steal the Election

Catherine Engelbrecht is the Founder and President of True The Vote the nation’s largest voters’ rights group.

The organization for over ten years now has been on the front lines of election fraud prevention by building action-oriented election integrity movements in key states, counties, and precincts. ‘True the Vote’ does not advocate for particular parties or candidates only for fair elections at all levels.

Catherine Engelbrecht is the Founder and President of True The Vote the nation’s largest voters’ rights group.

The organization for over ten years now has been on the front lines of election fraud prevention by building action-oriented election integrity movements in key states, counties, and precincts. ‘True the Vote’ does not advocate for particular parties or candidates only for fair elections at all levels.

This year it is clear Democrats are using unprecedented measures to flip the election to Joe Biden. The far left tech giants are already jumping into action censoring the US President, the White House Spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany, and The New York Post for their absolute BOMBSHELL on Hunter and Joe Biden.

The Democrats already have baked into their projections their upcoming “October surprises” they are going to drop on President Trump. They also know they can rely on their corrupt operatives in most every major Democrat run city to turn out unrealistic and spectacular results for Joe Biden. They already know this will happen.

But Democrats are counting on to flip the 2020 election in their favor are two new tactics: Drop Boxes and illegal Ballot Harvesting!

On Tuesday we spoke with Catherine Engelbrecht on her advice to patriotic voters to STOP THE STEAL.
Here is what Catherine told all of us–

TGP’s Jim Hoft: Here’s one concern Catherine, I hope you can talk about it. For the first time that I can remember in recent history the Democrats are putting these, and it’s certainly a Democrat idea. It’s not something I see Republicans pushing. They are putting these drop boxes in several states and several counties. What are your thoughts on that?

Catherine Engelbrecht: I think the drop boxes, the changes in standards, the changes in rules, I think all of this is about their over-arching plan of causing chaos. And I think the drop boxes definitely represent an exposed area.

My call to every patriot listening is to do three things.
Number One: Vote. Sounds simple but we can’t take it for granted. Vote.

Number Two: Serve. If you can serve in your county, call your county and find out how and where they need help. Call the party. Call the candidate of your choice and get involved. As far as these drop boxes reach out to some friends, just have eyes on. Just keep watch. And True the Vote can help you find all the contacts to your counties. We have incident reports if you see them. We have hotlines. Let it be known if you are seeing something that does not seem quite right.

Number Three: And the last thing is pray every day for our leaders and for this election. We just got to stay focused.

We can’t do everything but everybody can do something.

We must let people know — Ballot harvesting is ILLEGAL in most states.

We also must tell our friends and neighbors — keep an eye out and observe people putting suspicious packages of ballots into these drop boxes.

We must organize NOW!

** True The Vote is looking for volunteers and donations
Please do your part to save this 2020 election from Democrat fraud.

The post THE KEY TO VICTORY: True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht Warns Trump Voters — WE MUST OBSERVE, KEEP WATCH OF BALLOT DROP BOXES! –VIDEO appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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