
UPDATE: Twitter Blocks Link to TGP Post on Hunter Biden Smoking Crack with Link to Foot Sex Video

Earlier tonight China’s GTV loaded video of Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden smoking crack cocaine while engaging in sex with an unknown person.

GTV is a Chinese channel in Mandarin.


The Gateway Pundit was first to post on this video — the first to be released — of Hunter Biden from his laptop from hell.

The Gateway Pundit DID NOT post any photos or video of nudity or of anyone but Hunter Biden from the video.

We tweeted this major story out to our audience–

But now Twitter has blocked the tweet from its platform.

And Twitter does not give a reason on why this is blocked.

Does anyone believe they would do this for a Trump family member?
Earlier today Twitter was flooded with images of billboards blaming Ivanka Trump with murdering 220,000 Americans.
Twitter did not block those images!

This is nothing but electioneering by Twitter.

The post UPDATE: Twitter Blocks Link to TGP Post on Hunter Biden Smoking Crack with Link to Foot Sex Video appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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