
Pass the Word – Voter Machines Are Not Immune From Manipulation – They Should Be Guarded At All Times – Any Access Should Be Recorded

There are some concerns with the voting machines used in the election today.  It is imperative that these machines be guarded at all times against Democrat manipulation.

Recently Joe Biden shared that his campaign had put in place plans to steal the election.  Based on his many gaffes many discounted his statement:

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney is concerned about the voting machines being tampered with:

McInerney explains in the video, after the closing of polls in Pennsylvania and other swing states, the voting machines will be intercepted and then altered using complex algorithms to alter the votes in a way that evades detection, handing a victory to the pre-designated “winner” (Joe Biden).

The answer to this is to record all totals in the machines before being transferred and then to ensure no one has isolated access to a machine without proper authorization.

No one should have access alone to any machine.  ‘Dual controls’ should be implemented where no ballots or machines are reviewed or touched without two people being present (i.e. making sure no one has access to machines or ballots without another person present.).  Also, all individuals who touch machines or ballots should be identified with proper credentials and signed in.

Americans can ensure this happens and if anyone acts suspiciously, they should be photographed and stopped until proper authorizations are obtained.

Pass the word.  We’re tired of Democrat corruption and fraud.

The post Pass the Word – Voter Machines Are Not Immune From Manipulation – They Should Be Guarded At All Times – Any Access Should Be Recorded appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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