
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: What’s Going On In Wisconsin? Hillary Attorney Elias Provides Evidence that State GOP Leadership Agreed to Unconstitutional ‘Ballot Drop Boxes’

Today the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections and the Senate Committee on Elections, Ethics and Rural Issues held a joint public hearing to review the 2020 general election. 

One witness called before the committee fought back against the Wisconsin Drop Box program and she had evidence to support it which we found frightening.

Attorney Karen Mueller from the Amos Center for Justice and Liberty spoke today in front of a committee made up of Wisconsin Senate and Assembly members.  Mueller discussed her challenges with the Wisconsin drop box program that was put into practice for the first time in the 2020 election. She believed they were illegal:

Per her testimony, Mueller believed that the drop boxes went against Wisconsin law so she decided to dig into how the drop boxes were set up in the first place.  She discussed the legislation regarding the set up of drop boxes and she referred the listeners of her testimony to her web site www.amoscenterforjustice.org for support.

There were many problems with drop boxes.  Proper chain of custody and dual controls to prevent fraud were missing.  Who was picking up the ballots at these boxes?  Were they keeping lists of the ballots picked up and were there members of both parties present to prevent fraud from occurring.  Ultimately the entire drop box mess was a disaster because it wasn’t constitutional in the first place.

At her website you can find a number of documents, including her petition with the Wisconsin court where she filed a case against the Wisconsin Elections Commission claiming the drop boxes were not legal for many reasons including they violated Wisconsin law.  She claimed:

…drop box sites for ballots throughout Wisconsin, were in fact, illegal, since neither Wisconsin Elections Commission members nor county clerks had the legislative power and authority to create and to designate such drop boxes as “official” places where ballots could be cast and received and counted under current Wisconsin law.

Per a review of Mueller’s site we found along with her petition, a response to her filing from the DNC and Hillary’s attorney Marc Elias from Perkins Coie LLC.  This appears odd that the DNC would align with the Wisconsin Elections Commission?

In the response from the DNC and Elias, on page 5 we found something very interesting.  The DNC and Elias state that the Republican leaders in Wisconsin, Assembly Speaker Vos and Senate Majority Leader Fitzgerald publicly stated they agreed with the drop boxes being in place:

Another document we found on this site states that Vos and Fitzgerald are fine with drop boxes in Wisconsin:

In this above document, the heads of Wisconsin’s Republican Party appear fully on board with drop boxes.  But these guys are in the legislature, shouldn’t they know that to allow the drop boxes to be put in place, the legislature would have to pass legislation to approve it per Wisconsin’s constitution?  Why did they do this?

We know the Democrats will do anything for power, but why would Republican politicians sign on to unconstitutional actions promoted by Hillary attorney Marc Elias?  What’s going on in Wisconsin?

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