
Dave Portnoy Of Barstool Sports Is Now Doing More To Help Small Businesses Than Congress (VIDEO)

Small businesses all over the United States are suffering due to lock downs. Some cities like New York have had bars and restaurants partially or completely locked down for months.

What is Congress doing for them? Next to nothing.

Dave Portnoy of the extremely popular site Barstool Sports has decided to take action. He is raising money for small businesses so they can pay their employees and stay afloat.

FOX Business reports:

Barstool’s Dave Portnoy raises $3.4M for 10 small businesses — and counting

Dave Portnoy, founder of media company Barstool Sports, has raised $3.4 million for 10 small businesses as of Thursday.

Portnoy launched the fundraising effort with the nonprofit 30 Day Fund for small businesses impacted by COVID-19 called “The Barstool Fund” last week and contributed $500,000 of his own money toward the effort.

“It was certainly humbling and a little embarrassing,” Kerry Counard, owner of Abbey Bar in Wisconsin — which Portnoy chose as one of the initial six restaurants to receive funds — told Fox Business. He expressed empathy for the “thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of small businesses” still struggling amid lockdowns.

Counard was driving when he heard the news and had to pull over because it was so overwhelming. Abbey Bar, which has been operating for 45 years, has been turning cash donations from grateful customers into gift cards for frontline workers, such as nurses and teachers, which is part of the reason Counard thinks Barstool chose his restaurant to participate in The Barstool Fund…

Portnoy introduced the fund in a Dec. 17 tweet, saying businesses could submit stories to barstoolfund@barstoolsports.com to be considered for the fund.

See Portnoy’s launch of the fund below:

Watch his appearance on FOX Business to talk about their success so far:

It’s great that Portnoy is doing this.

Maybe Congress should take a lesson from him.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

The post Dave Portnoy Of Barstool Sports Is Now Doing More To Help Small Businesses Than Congress (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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