
Dominion Voting Machines Are Related to Smartmatic/Sequoia and They Do Have Functionality to Switch Votes Between Candidates

Of course Dominion is related to Smartmatic and Sequoia.  Why are they denying this?

A thread on Twitter shows all the relationships with Dominion and Smartmatic/Sequoia:

The Fake News Loves to say there is no connection between Smartmatic/Sequoia & Dominion. LIARS. In 2010 Eric Coomer attended a meeting with the CA Sec of State. He was there working for Sequoia – https://ift.tt/38AacZr

Defending The Republic – Sidney Powell

Of course someone is lying – Dominion will say anything to cover their crimes. God only knows how many people in Venezuela, the United States and other countries have been defeated, denied and maybe even killed due to their fraudulent recording of election results over the past few decades:

The diabolical Eric Coomer created the adjudication process in Dominion machines which could move votes from one candidate to another:

If these people will lie about these things then what else are they lying about?

The post Dominion Voting Machines Are Related to Smartmatic/Sequoia and They Do Have Functionality to Switch Votes Between Candidates appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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