
EXCLUSIVE: Carter Page Was Accused of Doing with Russia Exactly What Hunter Biden Did with China

Carter Page was accused of doing the exact same activities that Hunter Biden did.  Page likely was framed to take the focus off of Obama and Bidens’ crimes and prevent Hunter Biden from being outed, indicted and put in prison.

Hunter Biden and CFCE

Hunter Biden created his firm shortly after his father was sworn in as Obama’s Vice President:

As the Obama-Biden administration hit the halfway point of its inaugural year, Hunter Biden co-founded Rosemont Seneca Partners, an investment fund, along with Christopher Heinz — the stepson of Obama’s future Secretary of State John Kerry — and Devon Archer, a former Kerry adviser.

Hunter then began doing deals with rogue regimes around the world.  In 2015:

Hunter Biden’s relationship to Chinese tycoon Ye Jianming “began to ramp up,” according to a Senate report released in September. Ye, the founder of Chinese energy giant CEFC, served as the nation’s unofficial energy liaison to Russia.

Hunter’s relationship with the China billionaire who led the Chinese company CFCE in the energy business, Ye Jianming, blossomed.  Hunter and Jim Biden, Joe Biden’s brother met in New York with Governor Cuomo and Ye in April 2017.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden, James Biden, Former Top DOJ Leaders and a China Billionaire Held a Last Minute Meeting in 2017 with New York Governor Cuomo – Why was That?

In June 2017 Hunter sent Ye a message:

Hunter Biden made an urgent request to Ye Jianming to wire him $10 million as seed money for a new venture, SinoHawk Holdings, according to an email obtained by The Post. In the missive he said he was extending “best wishes from the entire Biden family” and that “We are all hoping to see you here again soon, or in Shanghai.”

CEFC went bankrupt in March of 2020.  We now know CFCE used a complex web of affiliated companies to facilitate fake deals, inflate trade figures and obtain bank loans to fuel its aggressive expansion.  Recent reports show emails that tie Hunter Biden, Jim Biden and Joe Biden (the Big Guy) to payouts from CEFC before it went bankrupt.  CFCE Chairman Ye disappeared in 2018 and has not been seen since.

We also know that Hunter Biden was concerned about going to jail, he sent an email to his accountant asking him in early 2017 how much money he would be making if he was in jail.  Even Hunter knew he was involved in criminal activity.

Carter Page

We now know the entire Trump – Russia collusion scam was created by the Hillary campaign in an attempt to slander the Trump Administration and no doubt take the focus off of the Clinton Foundation’s corrupt actions related to Uranium One and Russia.

Democrats always project their crimes on conservatives.

When the Trump – Russia sham didn’t initially work and help Hillary win the 2016 election, the Democrats and their Deep State actors began their efforts to take down the incoming Trump Administration.  The most disgusting hit piece (before the President was even in office) was the release of the Steele dossier.  This piece of garbage was a mix of lies and Russian disinformation.

Far left Buzzfeed released the Steele dossier on January 10, 2017.  One piece of information in this hit piece read as follows about Carter Page.

The Steele dossier was accusing Carter Page of being involved in the energy business in Russia.

The dossier was pushed by the Deep State and their Big Media and the entire lie led to the Mueller Special Counsel.  This corrupt effort to oust the Trump Administration finally came to an end after two years, culminating in the Mueller report.  From page 96 of the Mueller report, the Mueller gang described Carter Page’s actions in Russia as follows:

Like Hunter Biden, Carter Page started a company around the time of the 2008 election and his firm was reportedly involved in investment management and advisory services.  Unlike Hunter Biden, Carter Page didn’t have the contacts and his father wasn’t Vice President.

The far-left Daily Beast released a report ‘Carter Page’s Multimillion-Dollar Dream’, in 2018 that looking back leads one to wonder if the report about Carter Page was really just projecting onto Page the actions of Hunter Biden.  The report reads:

In July 2016, the British ex-spy Christopher Steele, in his so-called dossier, reported to his client, Fusion GPS, that Page had met earlier that month in Moscow with Rosneft’s CEO Igor Sechin. Sechin, according to Steele’s source, offered Page a commission if he could place the Rosneft shares with a foreign buyer…

…Sechin, a close ally of Putin, a former spy, and one of Russia’s powerhouse leaders, was offering a €10 billion ($11 billion) deal to an obscure, undistinguished, self-styled oil and gas expert. But Page had something else going for him. In 2016, he had become one of Trump’s top five foreign policy advisers…

…Russia could sell up to 19.5 percent of its enormous state oil company and still keep control. For Page, who had traveled to Moscow to make a speech, Russian largesse had the potential to put him in the big leagues. If he could find a buyer, even a small finder’s fee would be worth tens of millions of dollars…

…on Dec. 7, 2016—a month after Trump’s upset victory. Igor Sechin announced that 19.5 percent of Rosneft had been sold to two big investors: a Qatar sovereign wealth fund and Glencore, the Anglo-Swiss commodities trading firm…

…The Rosneft deal, described as a 50-50 acquisition, soon went off the rails…

…Then, in September, Sechin announced that Glencore and the Qataris were selling the bulk of their shares—$9 billion-worth—to a Chinese firm, the China Energy Corporation (CEFC). CEFC is one of the largest “private” companies in China, and one of the most closely held…

…The new Chinese owners might have passed the privatization test—until two weeks ago [March 2018], when the takeover of CEFC by two state-controlled Chinese companies was reported. One report suggests that CEFC’s head was looting the company and did not have the cash to buy the Rosneft shares. The Chinese government stepped in.

The Daily Beast then goes on to ask why would anyone get into a deal with Carter Page who they described as ‘an idiot’ with minimal qualifications but he was a “conduit to Trump”.  All of these comments could have been said about Hunter Biden, an idiot who was unqualified but who had connections through his father, VP Joe Biden.  Carter Page was in the top 10% of his class at the US Naval Academy and he was only a volunteer for President Trump for a short time in the spring of 2016.

The subject of the Daily Beast’s entire piece appears to be Hunter Biden, not Carter Page.  It’s as if the names were changed but the story remained the same.  The Biden’s are a national security risk, not Carter Page.

The post EXCLUSIVE: Carter Page Was Accused of Doing with Russia Exactly What Hunter Biden Did with China appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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