
Joe Biden Tells Trump to Sign COVID Bill and Send Money to Foreign Nations

Handlers for Beijing Biden released a statement on Saturday demanding President Trump sign the COVID relief bill and give money to foreign friends and foes.

President Trump vetoed the bill after Congress only allotted $600 per American but gave away money to Venezuela, Central America and numerous other countries and American organizations.

Via News Nemo:

Days after President Donald Trump suggested that he would not likely sign a $900 billion COVID-19 relief package unless it increased individual direct payments to $2,000, President-elect Joe Biden issued a searing statement condemning his soon-to-be predecessor for his “abdication of responsibility.”

“It is the day after Christmas, and millions of families don’t know if they’ll be able to make ends meet because of President Donald Trump’s refusal to sign an economic relief bill approved by Congress with an overwhelming and bipartisan majority,” he said in a statement.

Listing the ramifications of not signing the bill, including the end of an eviction moratorium, a lack of small business and individual relief and funding for vaccine distribution, Biden said the bill is “critical” and “needs to be signed into law now.”

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