
MI Attorney Responsible For Forensic Examination Of 16 Dominion Machines Gets Threatening Call From MI State Bar…Radical MI AG Nessel Threatens “MI Lawyers” Supporting Trump

Tomorrow at 8:30 AM, in Michigan’s 13th Circuit Court, Judge Kevin A. Elsenheimer will decide if he will allow Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno of the DePerno Law Firm to release the Kraken.

At 5:30 PM on Friday, December 4, Judge Elsenheimer granted permission to DePerno’s client, William Bailey, and his team of IT experts to conduct a forensic study of the 16 Dominion voting machines, tabulators, thumb drives, related software, and the Clerk’s “master tabulator” used in the November elections in Antrim County, MI. In the judge’s court order, the plaintiff, Mr.Bailey, was also granted the ability to conduct an independent investigation of the images they obtained in their examination.

After 8 hours, the collection was complete. With 16 CF cards (similar to SIM cards), 16 thumb drives, and forensic images of the Dominion voting machines in hand, the IT team was escorted to the local Antrim County Airport by two Antrim County Sheriff vehicles, where they boarded their jet plane with evidence in hand.

The following morning, Mr. DePerno received a phone call from the MI State Bar warning him that they have opened an investigation into a case he tried over a year ago in Lapeer, MI. Mr. DePerno was told that the State Bar of Michigan had already requested over 6,000 pages of documents related to the case. According to Mr. DePerno, there has never been a single complaint filed about the case. He believes the phone call was simply an act of intimidation on the part of Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel. DePerno expressed his concern about the timing of the call from the MI State Bar office, telling him, “In light of the news that’s breaking today, this seems very political to me.” DePerno explained, “They’re just digging for stuff!”

On Wednesday, December 9, Matthew DePerno and his client, Mr. Bailey, waited patiently for the results of the forensic examination of the Dominion voting machines to arrive. While he was waiting for the results, Michigan’s radical Attorney General Dana Nessel, who won her election after bragging she was the best candidate for the job because she didn’t have a penis, added Michigan’s far-left, dishonest Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to the lawsuit as a defendant.

On Friday, December 10, Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno, who is now in possession of the initial preliminary results of the forensic examination of the Dominion voting machine, 16 CV data cards, and 16 thumb drives from the Dominion machines, filed an emergency order asking Judge Kevin Elsenheimer to lift the protective order prohibiting him from sharing the results of the inspection, calling it a matter of “national security.” In his emergency motion, DePerno reminds the judge that time is of the essence, as the deadline for electors to vote for the next President is Monday, December 14, 2020.

In his order, Deperno states that Secretary of State Benson has refused to permit a forensic examination of the Dominion software, presumably because she is fearful of violating the Licensing agreement with Dominion. DePerno points out that the agreement produced by Antrim County was not signed and that they have not been able to verify that the contract was actually signed.

In his emergency order, DePerno argues that the protective order placed on sharing the results of the forensic examination was for the purposes of preventing the plaintiff from reverse engineering Dominion’s software for malicious purposes. DePerno argues that his plaintiff, Mr. Bailey, and his IT team have no intention of reverse-engineering the software for malicious purposes. Mr. DePerno adds, “the public interest weighs in favor of granting the Plaintiff’s preliminary injunction.” He explains, “The Court believes that confirming the accuracy, integrity, and security of the electoral process is a greater public interest at this juncture than the potential misuse of reverse engineering data.”

Yesterday afternoon, Attorney Matthew DePerno received word that 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A Elseneheimer would hear his case. Curiously, DePerno, who filed the emergency motion, found out about the hearing when he saw an article published by the far-left Detroit Free Press at 2:13 PM. DePerno then received an email from Antrim County attorney Haider Kazim at 2:50 PM and received notice directly from the Court at 3:02 PM. According to DePerno, the hearing will take place at 8:30 AM EST on Monday.

Today, Michigan’s radical Attorney General Dana Nessel tweeted a warning shot directed specifically at “Lawyers who practice in Michigan,” letting them know that their oath prevents them from filing “unjust and/or frivolous actions” or from misleading the court.

Fun fact: Lawyers who practice in Michigan are required to take an oath to support the MI and US Constitutions, not to file unjust and/or frivolous actions or mislead the court. The spate of Trump lawsuits in our state violates each of these tenets. It demeans our profession.

The brave patriot and Constitutional Attorney told The Gateway Pundit that he’s curious about the timing of Nessel’s tweet, and he wonders why “Attorney General Nessel is bringing the power of the state in to threaten attorneys?” He also told us that if Nessel is aware of misconduct by another attorney and isn’t reporting it, she is actually violating her oath by not reporting it.” DePerno told The Gateway Pundit, “Nessel’s only goal is to intimidate.”

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