
Michigan Legislature Committees Subpoena Election Evidence – Hard Drives, Laptops, Emails From Detroit and Suburb of Livonia

Michigan legislature committees on Tuesday subpoenaed election evidence from Detroit and the suburb of Livonia.

State lawmakers subpoenaed hard drives, laptops, emails, copy of all communications with poll workers and other election related evidence.

Via Just the News:

Concerned about possible election evidence being destroyed, members of a joint session of the Michigan Legislature’s House and Senate oversight committees on Tuesday voted to issue subpoenas to Detroit and the nearby suburb of Livonia demanding they surrender hard drives, emails, absentee voter counting board laptops and other election-related materials.

One Senate Democrat reportedly joined his Republican colleagues in supporting the subpoenas.

A Nov. 28 order memo from the State Bureau of Elections had followed the same protocol as prior elections and ordered the deletion by November 30 of “E-Pollbook laptops and flash drives … unless a petition for recount has been filed and the recount has not been completed, a post-election audit is planned but has not yet been completed, or the deletion of the data has been stayed by an order of the court or the Secretary of State.”

Michigan State Senator Ruth Johnson, the Republican who supported the subpoena effort, told Just the News she had previously signed the same deletion order while she was secretary of state but the unusual nature of the 2020 election meant circumstances had changed.

President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in Michigan on election night when corrupt Democrat elections officials in Detroit stopped counting ballots.

Suddenly a big ballot dump of more than 130,000 votes 100% for Joe Biden appeared at 4:00 AM after Election Day as Democrat officials blocked GOP poll observers from viewing ballot counting.

One Michigan witness testified that dollies of ‘mail-in’ ballots were wheeled in at around 3 or 4 in the morning after Election Day.

The witness said everybody was “perplexed” that the ballots were coming in so late.

Click here to see the full demand of documents from the city of Detroit.

Click here to see the full demand of documents from the suburb of Livonia.

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