
NY Governor Cuomo Grants Clemency To Illegal Aliens To Help Them Remain In The U.S.

Law-abiding citizens in New York continue to be put last.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo released a list of pardons and commutations on Christmas Eve.

Among the pardons were two illegal aliens.

Cuomo did to help them avoid deportation.

From The Press Release:

Kaydian McKenzie, 43, was convicted of Criminal Possession of Marijuana in the Second Degree and Criminal Trespass in the Third Degree in 2001 and 2002. Ms. McKenzie has been crime free for 18 years, is a registered nurse, and has worked at a nursing home in New York State throughout the COVID-19 public health crisis. In addition to her role as a frontline worker, Ms. McKenzie is the mother of three U.S. citizen and is active in her local church, where she has volunteered with a program that delivers food to older New Yorkers who are living alone. A pardon will help Ms. McKenzie remain in the United States with her family.

Rosario Pena, 61, was convicted of Petit Larceny and Attempted Robbery in the Second Degree in 1981 and 1986. Ms. Pena was forced to commit these crimes by sex traffickers to whom she fell victim. After a childhood marred by abuse, homelessness and years of victimization by traffickers, Ms. Pena has now been crime free for 34 years. A pardon will allow Ms. Pena to remain in the United States, where she has lived for more than 50 years.

It’s not the first time Cuomo did this.

The Gateway Pundit reported in 2019: 

Democrat New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has pardoned 22 illegals to stop them from being deported.

The pardons were mostly for drug possession, but drug dealing, arson and robbery as well.

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