
Radical Democrat Raphael Warnock Oversaw Church Camp that Abused a Child – Threw Urine on Him

Last week Fox News host Tucker Carlson exclusively obtained shocking bodycam footage of police responding to an altercation between Georgia Democrat Senate candidate Raphael Warnock and his now ex-wife.

The Georgia twin senate runoff is now 8 days away and the public is just now seeing this bodycam footage from March of this year.

The liberal media is very careful about exposing this radical far left Democrat who is running for the US Senate against Kelly Loeffler.
The media will do anything to hide the truth from the American people.

Here is the video.

And now there is a report that Warnock oversaw a church camp that abused at least one child.

The Washington Free Beacon reported:

Anthony Washington, now 30, tells the Washington Free Beacon counselors tossed urine on him, forced him to sleep outside.

Among the indignities 12-year-old Anthony Washington endured at the church camp overseen by Reverend Raphael Warnock: counselors who tossed urine on him and locked him outside his cabin overnight.

Washington, now 30, recounted the events in an interview with the Washington Free Beacon and said his experience at the camp resulted in a 2003 lawsuit that ended two years later, when Washington says he and his family received a large financial settlement.

Washington’s account of the 2002 events provides the first direct insight into the alleged abuse and neglect that transpired at Camp Farthest Out, which Warnock oversaw as senior pastor of Maryland’s Douglas Memorial Community church, and raises new questions for the Democrat, who is currently vying for a Senate seat in Georgia.

Read the rest here.

The post Radical Democrat Raphael Warnock Oversaw Church Camp that Abused a Child – Threw Urine on Him appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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