
Arizona GOP Legislature Continues to behave like RINOs

Guest post by Proud American Bobby Piton

America is the land of opportunities. This simple phrase has a profound meaning in the psyche of America. Our National Identity is directly tied to this concept through our Right to Fair Elections.

When Americans think we have been wronged by our government, We the People have the right (as per our compact; the US Constitution) to petition our government for a redress of these grievances, peacefully assemble and speak freely and publish freely (Freedom of Press). Time and time again over the past 99 days, since 11/3/2020, we have been denied these rights; across social media by censorship, a corrupt mainstream press that espouses propaganda with no repercussions via the Smith-Mundt Act, threats of arrests for peaceful protesters (not involved in violence) in DC, and being ostracized professionally or personally for exercising our free speech.

Freedom loving Arizonans have once again been denied these rights with the latest inaction by the Arizona Senate in not holding the Maricopa County Supervisors in contempt of court. These brave, freedom-loving Americans spoke the truth as they witnessed it and confirmed it through countless hours of hard work to prove these truths were not a figment of their imagination; at great risk to themselves, their families, and their friends with what feels like non-existent support from elected officials in Arizona. In short, the Arizona Senate has failed “We the People of Arizona”.

It begs the question, why? What forces or powers behind the scenes would continue to undermine our faith in what America stands for? Are that many politicians in AZ (and across America) that compromised? What are they scared of that they can’t express or ask for forgiveness? Or is their personal safety really in that much jeopardy; that they are in fact behaving in a way that most people would, if faced with a similar circumstance?

I do not know the answer to these hypotheticals, but what I do know is that the Federal Government exists for times like these. If the AZ Senate Legislators are in fact that compromised or concerned about their safety, perhaps the NSA needs to work with whom they deem to be the most honest politicians in DC and coordinate efforts with our military to end this domestic and/or international threat to the sovereignty of the once great state of Arizona. Clearly, something is amiss, and the people being denied their First Amendment rights as Americans might very well continue to undermine our collective American Faith; remaining Trust in Our System of Government. Perhaps, this is what has been the larger goal/mission of an evil faction of Communists within our government all along?

We the People must resist the urge to deal with unjust people through unjust action, taking the law into our own hands. Instead, we need to focus our attention on uniting like-minded freedom and justice-seeking Americans to take back the political system that has not only been hijacked in Arizona but across the United States of America.

Not only are We all Americans Now; We are All Arizonans Now!

Proud American,
Bobby Piton

The post Arizona GOP Legislature Continues to behave like RINOs appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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