
Female Athlete Shreds Biden Administration To Withdraw Lawsuit: We Deserve To Be The Best, Biological Males Are Taking It Away

The Biden Administration’s Department of Justice decided to withdraw its support of a lawsuit this week, pushed by three high school female athletes that would block biological males (transgender females) from competing in girls’ sports in Connecticut. Former Attorney General Bill Barr supported the lawsuit because he said Connecticut’s law allowing this to happen does violate the Title IX protections in place.

The lawsuit was filed in a federal court in 2020, “by three high school girls and their mothers against the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC), which has permitted boys to compete in events and win awards that would otherwise have gone to girls,” Daily Wire reported.

“Selina Soule, Alanna Smith, and Chelsea Mitchell, represented by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), were denied opportunities to compete at higher levels as boys took home the prizes. CIAC’s policy allowed two males to compete in girls’ athletic competitions beginning in the 2017 track season. Those boys have taken 15 women’s state championship titles (titles held in 2016 by nine different Connecticut girls) and have taken more than 85 opportunities to participate in higher level competitions from female track athletes in the 2017, 2018, and 2019 seasons alone.”

Two Races from 2018 made headlines when ‘Two Transgenders Blow Out Girls In State Meet” Connecticut had its State Open track and field where one person broke the State Open records for girls in both the 100 and 200-meter runs.

Attorney Christiana Holcomb appeared Wednesday night with Alanna Smith, who is one of the three girls pushing the lawsuit on Fox News to discuss the Biden Administration’s reversal. Smith said people need to realize that many biological females are taking things away from them and how fairness needs to be restored in her sport as well as all other women’s sports.

Smith said she filed this lawsuit because, ““I got involved after I ran against the biological males at the New England meet because in the 200 meter I took third place when I  should have gotten runner-up, and it’s not really about placement but it’s all about knowing that I work so many hours a week to be able to get runner-up in New England’s [championships] as a freshman. And I am really disappointed in the news, because me and the other girls, Selina and Chelsea, have worked really hard to get our stories out there, to get people to realize that fairness needs to be restored in our sport and all other women’s sports.”

Fox News host Katie Pavlich called out the administration, “The left claims to always stand up for women, they’re the party of women, and yet here we are with policies that disenfranchise female athletes.”

Pavlich asked Smith’s attorney, “And I have serious questions abut what this means in terms of harassment of female athletes. Does this mean that biological males are not allowed to go into the locker room as well as compete against them and take away scholarships and placement in state championships? I know that the lawsuit is going to move forward despite DOJ pulling their support for it? So where are you going from here?”

Holcomb answered, ““Well, the lawsuit absolutely moves forward, but as you mentioned, this was clearly a politically motivated decision to side with radical activists over female athletes like Alanna, but what’ s even more concerning is this effort to gut legal protection for women is not just isolated to what we see in Connecticut. Even now, the Biden administration is pushing the so-called Equality Act, which ignores the real physical differences between men and women and threatens women’s privacy, women’s homeless shelters, and yes, even women’s sports on a national level for female athletes like Alanna.”

Pavlich asked Smith to elaborate more, “But in terms of athletics, Alanna, when it comes to the things that you’ve missed out on, people say ‘it’s only fair’ to allow biological males to compete against you, What is your response to that?”

Smith stated, “That people should realize that a lot of biological females have missed out on making it to meets that really matter, like states and regionals, and the transgender athletes have taken spots on the podium that belong to biological females,” Smith stated. “We train for so many days a week, so many hours to be able to be the best in our state and the best in our region, and these biological males are just taking it away from us and we really deserve it.”

Smith’s attorney shared, “Title IX was designed to ensure that girls like Alanna have a fair and level playing field, have a chance to showcase their talents, to be champions, and frankly, to earn those college scholarships. So we want to move forward and we want to see women’s sports protected across the country.”

The post Female Athlete Shreds Biden Administration To Withdraw Lawsuit: We Deserve To Be The Best, Biological Males Are Taking It Away appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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