
GOP Senator Cassidy Warns that More GOP Senators May Vote for Impeachment — Then Joins Democrats in Vote to Proceed with Impeachment

50 Senate Democrats and six Republicans voted on Tuesday to move forward with the impeachment trial.

Republicans voting to join the Democrats in this unprecedented assault on our constitution:

** Ben Sasse
** Pat Toomey
** Susan Collins
** Lisa Murkowski
** Mitt Romney
** Bill Cassidy

Senator Cassidy joined the five senators who earlier voted on Rand Paul’s point of order that this slapdash impeachment is constitutional.

Cassidy’s vote came after his appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday morning.

Senator Cassidy warned that more Republicans may vote for impeachment.
Then today he voted to proceed.

Democrats need 17 Republicans to join them in a vote to impeach private citizen Donald Trump.

MSN reported:

Senator Bill Cassidy, a Louisiana Republican, downplayed the significance of a 55-to-45 Senate vote in which just five GOP senators voted with Democrats to say that former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial would be constitutional.

In late January, Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky pushed through a Senate vote to put lawmakers on the record as to whether they viewed the pending trial for Trump to be constitutional. Only GOP Senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania voted with Democrats—rejecting the suggestion from Paul and some other conservatives that the trial would be unconstitutional. Although Cassidy voted in favor of Paul’s resolution, he pushed back against the widespread assessment of the vote as pre-determining the outcome of the trial.

“I think it’s important to understand the nature of that vote. It was called two hours before it. There was no debate and no explanation from either side,” Cassidy explained during an interview with NBC News’ Meet the Press on Sunday. “It was a vote in a moment of time. And so, based upon what senators knew at that point and felt at that point, they then voted. But we will now have, hopefully, presentations from both sides, and we will consider the evidence as impartial jurors,” he added.

Cassidy asserted that he did not view the 55-to-45 vote on Paul’s resolution as revealing how senators would vote when it comes to whether or not to convict Trump.

“I think it depends upon that which is presented,” the Republican senator said, before pivoting to criticize House Democrats for moving so rapidly with the impeachment vote. He argued that they should have given more time for the process to play out and additional evidence to be presented.

“Hopefully, they’ll build a case and bring it to us. But again, process is important. And we have to see that process played out,” Cassidy said. “And the [former] president should have his counsel. That’s just the way our system works.”

The post GOP Senator Cassidy Warns that More GOP Senators May Vote for Impeachment — Then Joins Democrats in Vote to Proceed with Impeachment appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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