
Illegal Aliens and ‘Allies’ Block Traffic Outside Cory Booker’s NJ Office, Whine ‘Nothing Changed Under Biden’

Illegal aliens and their allies blocked traffic outside the offices of New Jersey Democrat Senators Bob Menendez and Cory Booker for several hours on Wednesday.

The group whined that “nothing has changed under Biden’s administration.”

Over 50 people participated in the nuisance, which also blocked the entrances to Penn Station.

The group was “demanding” that ICE release all detainees at the Bergen County Jail and “end all detention and deportation across the country.”

“Family members attempted to deliver petitions for Menendez and Booker, signed by 30 ICE detainees from the Bergen County Jail and demanding an end to their indefinite jail. Building security prevented family members from entering and delivering the detainees’ demands, while dozens of immigrant workers and allies rallied outside and in the street in support,” the group said in a press release.

Biden issued a dangerous and shocking 100 day moratorium on deportations that was set to begin on January 22; but on January 26, a federal judge granted a nationwide injunction on the moratorium for 14 days. Deportations have continued.

“While more executive orders continue to be issued by the new administration, our community is seeing more deportation and a lack of political willingness to truly fight for ALL undocumented immigrants in this country and address the decades of bipartisan attacks on our families. Just undoing Trump’s policies means a return to millions deported and criminalization and division of our community – a legacy this president will have to reckon with actions not words,” the protest organizers wrote in the statement. “This is why it will be us who hold the line and continue to show the power we hold across this country to ensure we do not make the mistakes of the past and define what our community needs. Because the 11 million will be the heroes that will push for real change and justice for the immigrant community, not the self-described saviors of immigrants that continue to divide and bargain with our humanity and present false promises to our people.”

The post Illegal Aliens and ‘Allies’ Block Traffic Outside Cory Booker’s NJ Office, Whine ‘Nothing Changed Under Biden’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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