
More on Biden’s 308,000 Ballot Drop in Fairfax County Virginia on Election Night – This One Ballot Drop Was 73% of Biden Votes in the County — EXPLAIN THAT!

The election results in Virginia’s Fairfax County were very suspect late Election Night.  There were five ballot drops each with over 300,000 votes for Biden in and out like a yoyo which ended up being 73% of the County’s votes for Biden.

We’ve reported since the election on the unreal results in Virginia on Election night.  We uncovered a pattern that occurred in Virginia as well as in other states that we labeled the “Drop and Roll”:

Then this week we found out that the drop in Virginia occurred in Fairfax County:

EXCLUSIVE: Three 300,000 Biden Vote Dumps Late on Election Night in Virginia Cannot Be Adequately Explained or Tied to Final Results

After some more work, we have located the Congressional Districts that include Fairfax County in their results.  This is where more than 300,000 votes were recorded for Biden late that night.  There were actually 5 entries – in and out and in and out and in – netting to more than 308,000 votes for Biden and only 79,000 votes for President Trump – an 80/20 ratio.  This makes no sense.  But here’s something interesting, according to the “official” results:

In 2020 Fairfax County (when accounting for Biden and President Trump votes only):

VA-8 went 74/26 Biden/Trump

VA-10 went 65/35 Biden/Trump

VA-11 went 72/28 Biden/Trump

This is the result AFTER the bulk dump of 308,000 votes that went 80/20 for Biden after the two 90/10 Biden batches were added then removed.  This dump of 308,000 represented 73% of all Fairfax County votes for Biden.

In 2016 Fairfax County went as follows:

VA-8 went 68/25 Hillary/Trump

VA-10 went 56/37 Hillary/Trump

VA-11 went 66/27 Hillary/Trump

Here are the questions that need to be answered:

** Where do these 308,000 80/20 votes come from in Fairfax that were dropped?

** How could Biden outperform Hillary by such vast margins in that particular large dump, where no district came close to 70/30 much less 80/20?

** And VA-10 in Fairfax went from a 19 point Hillary margin in 2016 to a 29 point margin for Biden?  Really?

Hillary won VA only by 5% in 2016, and only by 212,000 votes.  In this one late night 80/20 vote dump in Fairfax, Biden picked up a margin of 230,000 votes, more than Hillary’s statewide margin in 2016.  And in 2016, there was both a libertarian and a never-Trumper (Evan McMillan) that both pulled votes from Trump.

Why is no one from Virginia screaming to high heaven demanding the ballots in this county be forensically reviewed?

The post More on Biden’s 308,000 Ballot Drop in Fairfax County Virginia on Election Night – This One Ballot Drop Was 73% of Biden Votes in the County — EXPLAIN THAT! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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