
Not Even An Ice Storm Can Stop Antifa From Rioting In Portland And Seattle (VIDEO)

Neither hail nor sleet nor snow can get in the way of antifa thugs terrorizing pacific northwest cities. Hundreds of thousands of people were left in the cold with no power in Portland, as a snow and ice storm enveloped the region over the weekend, turning the streets into a skating rink and sending ice covered trees toppling into power lines and transformers. So what do the far left antifa terrorists do? Do they go around helping their neighbors in need? Do they check on the elderly? Do they distribute food and blankets?

No, of course not. They took the opportunity to riot and wreak more havoc. Never letting a good crisis go to waste, they took their anger and frustrations of white hegemonic hetero-normative capitalism out on a health clinic and Starbucks, while throwing ice at police and tagging other buildings.

Here they are lobbing ice and snowballs at police.

The insurrectionist forces eventually forced the police to retreat to safety.

Their retreat left the rest of city vulnerable to antifa’s terror tactics:

If they pelt enough police with ice chunks, smash out enough urgent care clinic windows, and spray paint enough buildings, then capitalism will be abolished and they’ll be able to usher in their communist utopia!

The official Portland police press release reads:

On Friday, February 12, 2021 at about 8:00p.m., a protest of about 30-50 people gathered at Director Park, 815 Southwest Park Avenue. The group marched to Central Precinct at 1111 Southwest 2nd Avenue, where the group began throwing objects and yelling at officers. There were police vehicles parked outside the precinct. As officers went out to move their cars in an effort to prevent them from being damaged, the officers were pelted with icy snowballs by participants.

In an effort to avoid confrontation and de-escalate the situation, and due to lack of available resources, officers remained out of sight as much as possible. However, officers were forced to monitor in case the group became more violent or caused damage to city property. While officers were occupied with that, there were calls stacking up in the precinct, including numerous calls for welfare checks on houseless community members who were exposed to the frigid weather. Among other duties, officers were facilitating getting those individuals to warming shelters if they wished.

The precinct, which is the only police facility open to the public 24 hours a day, was locked for security. As officers from other precincts approached to access the intake for the Multnomah County Detention Center, the hostile group surrounded their cars. Traffic was very limited due to the treacherous weather, but the group stood in the street blocking the way.

At about 10:45p.m., the group went on a short march. Officers discovered that windows were broken by participants of the crowd during the march. A coffee shop in the 1300 block of Southwest 3rd Avenue and a medical clinic in the 900 block of Southwest 5th Avenue were damaged (photos).

The crowd dissipated by 11:30p.m. No arrests have been made and no one was injured. If anyone has information about the suspects who vandalized the businesses or harassed officers, please refer to case number 21-39817 and e-mail crimetips@portlandoregon.gov.

That’s right, the Portland police are reduced to acting as a publicly funded taxi company for “houseless community members” while monitoring violent rioters from a safe distance, doing nothing as the terrorists once again destroy the city, with their concerns being not the businesses destroyed but rather any potential damage to city property, and no one is arrested or charged.

Meanwhile, up in Seattle, the insurrectionists held an anti-ICE ice themed protest. Get it? Clever ones these are.


The post Not Even An Ice Storm Can Stop Antifa From Rioting In Portland And Seattle (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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