
OUTRAGEOUS: After Abandoning Trump and Allowing Landslide Election to be Stolen, Republican “Leaders” Now Want to Look Into Election Integrity – What Garbage!

The Republican Party is a damn joke.  They are disgusting, outrageous, and lost.  After sitting back and watching the Democrats steal the 2020 landslide election away from President Trump and then denying any election wrongdoing, the Republicans now want to look into election integrity. 

Go to hell we don’t believe you.

The 2020 election was the most corrupt and criminal enterprise in US history.  This one act will cost America millions in jobs and income for years to come.  It will result in China taking back all they lost during the Trump years.  The border is already open.  The US energy sector is already in turmoi.   And Iran is already attacking US bases in Iraq.

The freedoms that Americans once cherished are already whittled away to almost nothing thanks to the COVID crisis.  Now there are no signs of this madness letting up.  There is no freedom of speech anymore.  Social media giants act like China lackeys.  Big Media ignored all the acts of outright fraud and now condemn you or silence you if you mention it.

The FBI and DOJ ignored the 2020 election crimes but they’ll soon be coming for every person who stood with President Trump and America.

The right to the pursuit of happiness was taken away from thousands of small businesses by killer Democrat governors.  Energy employees have already lost their jobs.  The Democrats stole the election and Republicans did nothing.  China is smiling. 

The Democrats cheated in every way imaginable.  Today there are still 460,000 ballots in Georgia that are invalid because there is no supporting chain of custody documentation attached.  Pennsylvania collected hundreds of thousands more absentee ballots than were sent out. Wisconsin has 260,000 indefinitely confined ballots, which their Supreme Court said, were likely invalid.  This is enough to overturn the 2020 election but the Republicans never cared.

They were happy to move on without President Trump and his base of voters.

There Are Over One Million Illegitimate Votes In Three States Alone That Would Give the Election to President Trump If Addressed

Not only that, but the Republican leadership says there was no fraud.  Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney both claim there was no election fraud.  Lindsey Graham supported Cheney and told Trump – don’t you dare mention election fraud in the Democrat’s second BS impeachment hearing.

Lindsay Graham Offers Support for Liz Cheney and Then Warns the Trump Team About Attempting to Present Evidence of Election Fraud In Front of the Senate

Then to top it all off, VP Mike Pence stabbed the President and his voters in the back, and in essence, told them to go to hell and accept the Biden sham.

Pence Betrayed General Flynn in 2017 and Today He Betrayed President Trump and America

But today the Republicans, no doubt after seeing their donations drop to a trickle, decided they want to create a new committee to discuss election integrity.
Via Just the News:

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said Wednesday the group has formed a new Committee on Election Integrity “dedicated to restoring election transparency and ensuring voters have confidence in future election processes.”

The announcement follows the 2020 election cycle, the results of which remain under a cloud of voter fraud allegations and concerns about the actions of state election officials and leaders.

“Election integrity is one of the most critical issues we face as a party and as a country,” McDaniel said in making the announcement. “What we saw this past election – states undoing important safeguards, bypassing the proper legislative processes, and changing election laws in the eleventh hour – was deeply troubling and brought chaos and uncertainty to our sacred democratic processes. As RNC chair, I will not sit idly by and the party will respond.”

The RND said that in the 2020 election cycle, “its most comprehensive legal strategy to date” – that it spent over $30 million on election protection efforts in battleground states across the country.

Notice these clowns still won’t say that the 2020 election was stolen by a senile old man who couldn’t fill ten circles at a ‘rally.’

Republican elites don’t care. 

They just want our money.  Go to hell.

The post OUTRAGEOUS: After Abandoning Trump and Allowing Landslide Election to be Stolen, Republican “Leaders” Now Want to Look Into Election Integrity – What Garbage! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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