
Pelosi and Democrats Break Over 200 Years of Precedent and Ban Minority Party Member from House Committees

Marxism in Action–
On Thursday for the first time in US history, the House majority banned a minority party member from serving on any House committee.

Democrats, and 11 Republicans, voted In a 230-199 vote, the House passed a four-page resolution that kicked Greene off her seats on the education and budget committees.

This is unheard of in US politics.
Political parties in the past would police their own members.
Not any more!

Pelosi and Democrats will decide who gets a committee seat in the US Congress.

This is similar to any brutal regime in history.

Antisemitic Democrats are still sitting on several house committees.

The post Pelosi and Democrats Break Over 200 Years of Precedent and Ban Minority Party Member from House Committees appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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