
At a Health-and-Freedom Rally in Orange County, California, Human-Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas Lights Up the Audience Warning of More Public Health Tyranny (VIDEO)

This was a very exceptional speech from Leigh Dundas at a rally in California.  She emotionally educates on the tyranny of Big Tech vaccine passports comparing them to what the Nazis did in Germany not so long ago.

In this speech delivered at a Health-and-Freedom rally in Orange County, California, human-rights attorney Leigh Dundas lights the fire of liberty in the hearts of her audience as she shows the parallels between the rise of tyranny in Nazi Germany under the banner of nationalism and the rise of tyranny in America under the banner of public health. Her passion is contagious, and you will be drawn to her call to action.

Her speech can be found here and please enjoy the embedded video below: https://banned.video/watch?id=60837502039f9407f49565d8

We reported on Attorney Dundas before.  In December she warned of the then-upcoming Executive Order President Trump designed in regards to interference in our elections.  Unfortunately, the DOJ was eventually unwilling to enforce the law.  Ms. Dundas’s video has now been taken down by YouTube.

America is waking up.  We won’t be slaves to barbarian oligarchs.

The post At a Health-and-Freedom Rally in Orange County, California, Human-Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas Lights Up the Audience Warning of More Public Health Tyranny (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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