
Online Gamer Pretending to be White House Reporter Infiltrates Psaki Press Briefings

The Biden Administration is a total joke.

An online gamer pretending to be a White House reporter fooled members of the White House press corps into asking Jen Psaki questions.

According to a report from Politico, a gamer who created an online profile as “Kacey ‘Lego’ Mantagu” posed as a reporter for “White House News” or WHN – a totally made up news organization – and used the name to ask Psaki questions at least four different times in recent weeks.

The gamer told Politico that they infiltrated Psaki’s briefings because they are frustrated with the current White House press pool since they don’t ask pertinent questions.

“I love journalism, and I think the press corps is doing a pretty bad job at the moment, so I decided I would ensure some transparency and ask some questions me and some friends wanted the answer to,” Montagu told Politico.

Politico reported:

Exactly who the real Kacey Montagu is remains entirely unclear. And he or she refused to reveal much personal information.

In conversations with U.S. officials and nonprofit journalism and government-tracking outfits, Montagu said they were an 18-year-old law student from the United Kingdom who was born in the U.S. before moving across the pond with their family at age six. In another conversation, reviewed by POLITICO, Montagu said they were studying political science. He or she said they are not motivated by politics, but were socially liberal and conservative on economic issues.

Acquaintances online suspect much of the biographical information to be untrue. They believe Montagu’s White House moonlighting began as something to boast about in the online global gaming platform called ROBLOX, where users jokingly call themselves “Legos.” Within that platform is a role-playing group called nUSA, where people from across the world engage in a mock U.S. government exercise. At one point, Montagu had adopted the role of Secretary of State but resigned from that job after — as they recalled — ”the [nUSA] President went to war with some U.K. and I thought it was a pretty bad idea!”

There is a level of sophistication to how Montagu operates. The email address associated with the Twitter accounts he or she set up appears to have been used only for establishing those feeds, an associated website, and to contact reporters and the White House. Other than that, there are no digital breadcrumbs.

The post Online Gamer Pretending to be White House Reporter Infiltrates Psaki Press Briefings appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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