
Arizona Senate Liaison Ken Bennett Says He Hopes Senate Will Not Have to Take Legal Action to Get Routers from Maricopa County

On Monday, The Arizona audit started its last week of paper evaluation and counting Braille ballots.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the audit would complete by June 26th as they are evaluating over 100 THOUSAND ballots per day.

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TGP’s Jordan Conradson spoke with Senate liaison Ken Bennett on Monday about the current situation.

Conradson: it’s last week of counting. can you tell us about what’s going on, on the floor?

Bennett: Well, there’s a few little holdovers on the counting side. The last three boxes that we haven’t touched yet are the Braille ballots. We’ve got two or three Braille readers who are going to be in tomorrow morning to deal with those ballots, everything else has been counted. There’s some double checking going on. And then, most of the activity on the floor, has to do with the paper evaluation.

Conradson: So we’re set to be done on Saturday, right.

Bennett: At the pace we’re making. We should be done this week.

Conradson: What about the subpoenaed passwords and routers?

Bennett: We’re still pushing the county for some of the information that we’ve not received, but I think the focus is getting these two phases the hand count, And the paper evaluation done.  Then we’ll turn our focus to getting some of the other information that didn’t come over.

Conradson: Are you guys going to have to take criminal action?

Bennett: I hope not. I believe that they will provide us what we need by subpoena. The county and the Senate both know that the Maricopa County Superior Court judge has ruled that the counties are that the Senate subpoenas are valid and need to be complied with, so we hope things will go smoothly.

Conradson: Can we talk about the end of the legislative session here in Arizona, the Senate’s going home, what is going to happen with the end of the audit?

Bennett: well, obviously, if we find things that need to be fixed in Arizona election laws or procedures in the audit, we would love to have those things considered, this year for passage of corrections to those state laws, instead of waiting for next year. Because if you put it in the regular session next year, and the session doesn’t end until May or June, like this year did then, those bills don’t become effective until 90 days later. By that time you’re well into the election of 2022. So, one way or another, I personally hope that the legislature and the governor will find a way to either keep the legislative session open. Maybe recess instead of sine die, or a commitment maybe to come back for a special session later this fall, so that these corrections if we find any can be made this year and be in effect for next year instead of being made next year and not effect until 2024.

Conradson: what can regular citizens do to make sure that these corrections are made this year?

Bennett: They can contact their state representatives and state senators, encouraged them to be open to consider any recommendations that come out of the audit, and get those things taken care of this year so that they are in effect for next year.

Months later, the county has still not given the subpoenaed routers or passwords to the Senate. Ken bennet hopes this violation of the law does not lead to criminal action. 

Another issue that may arise is the end of the 2021 legislative session in Arizona. If the state senate adjourns before making the necessary reforms to our election, these laws will not be passed until after the 2022 midterm election.

We can expect to see this process finished by Saturday, June 26 and the final report will be released by August. 

The post Arizona Senate Liaison Ken Bennett Says He Hopes Senate Will Not Have to Take Legal Action to Get Routers from Maricopa County appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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