
Author of Fulton County Elections Report Tries Desperately to Walk Back Explosive Accusations — BUT IT’S TOO LATE

The lying fake news media is trying desperately to downplay the damning elections report from Fulton County Georgia today.

Just the News released an explosive report on Thursday night exposing massive fraud in the Fulton County Georgia 2020 presidential election.

A handpicked contractor in the State Farm Arena, Carter Jones from Seven Hill Strategies, wrote a 29-page memo back in November outlining the “massive” election integrity failures and mismanagement that he witnessed in the Atlanta-area’s election centers.

In the 29-page report Carter Jones tells of two more instances where the election officials were double-scanning votes late at night after the election observers and news media was sent home!

The Gateway Pundit was first to report that Ruby Freeman was also seen double scanning stacks of ballots at the State Farm Center in Atlanta, Georgia after observers were sent home on election night.

EXPLOSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Second Worker Caught Double-Counting Ballots at the State Farm Center on Election Night!

Now the author Carter Jones is downplaying his own report with the liberal media.

Carter Jones

The AP is running cover for Carter Jones, Secretary Raffensperger and the corrupt Georgia officials.

Detailed notes kept by Carter Jones over the week of the general election in November and obtained by The Associated Press challenge many of the allegations of fraud and misconduct that have circulated since the election. They chronicle everything Jones saw in Fulton County from the evening of Monday, Nov. 2, the day before the election, through late Saturday, Nov. 7, when the last ballots were counted.

“It’s not what it looks like during the election. It’s what happens after the election and what it looks like at the end,” Jones said in an exclusive interview with the AP on Wednesday. “Fulton was able to make their numbers zero out and there was nothing that should challenge the certification of this election.”

In a statement Wednesday, Raffensperger noted Jones’ findings of continued problems and said it was important to have him there as “eyes and ears on the ground.”

Jones said the election operations were characterized by systemic poor management and there were also chain of custody problems and ballot bags that often weren’t sealed. While he realizes many of those problems contribute to some people’s doubts about the security of the election, he said the fact that he was there and “neurotically took notes” during the many hours he spent observing should provide some comfort.

He also noted that while the process was messy, the county managed to get it right in the end.

“They got it over the goal line. They made their numbers add up,” he said. “Yes, the vehicle was held together by duct tape and chewing gum, but it got over the goal line.”

Fulton County officials have consistently defended their handling of the election.

Sorry, Carter Jones.
You made the mistake of telling the truth in your report.
Now the world knows about the massive fraud in the 2020 Georgia presidential election.

The post Author of Fulton County Elections Report Tries Desperately to Walk Back Explosive Accusations — BUT IT’S TOO LATE appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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