
REMINDER: When People Don’t Want an Audit – They Are Hiding Something

The only people who fight to prevent an audit of their operation are people who have something to hide.

I have been involved in hundreds of audits around the world.  I’ve performed audits across the US, in Canada, the UK, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, Argentina, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand.

I’ve performed operational audits, IT-related audits, financial audits, and fraud audits.

I’ve reported on processes, financials, IT, and operational activities, some of which were very good and some that were not.

In all the audits I’ve participated in I have never seen the ‘auditee’ (the person who owns the process or financials) complain the way the Democrats do in response to the audit going on in Maricopa County.

I’ve never had auditees select their own auditors and have them perform their audits to show everything was working fine before I performed my audit, like the Board of Supervisors did in Maricopa County.  

(In this case, the selected auditors reviewed a couple of audit machines and said they were working fine and because of this, they claimed the entire 2020 election was fine.  They didn’t look at a single ballot – 2.1 million ballots and they didn’t look at one.)

Maricopa County Audits Are Proving to Be a Waste of Time and Money, They Were Never Created to Identify the Suspected Election Fraud in the County


I’ve never seen an auditee complain to the media about the audit that I was performing.

Unhinged Liar Katie Hobbs Comes Unglued! Demands Senate Take Action In Wild WaPo Hit Piece

I’ve never had an auditee beg me not to perform an audit of their shop.

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Soros-Backed Sheriff Beg AZ Senate to End Election Audit “For the Good of the Country”

I’ve never had an auditee threaten a lawsuit if I performed an audit.

Maricopa County Is Now Doing the Unheard of by Intimidating the Senate and Its Auditors with Possible Lawsuit Should They Complete Their Legal and Proper Audit

I’ve never had a politician push his fellow politicians and agencies to stop an audit.

Former Obama AG Eric Holder, Held In Contempt of Congress Charge, Again Ignores Constitution and Says DOJ Should Stop 2020 Election Audit of Maricopa County

Nope, never had any of this happen.  


The post REMINDER: When People Don’t Want an Audit – They Are Hiding Something appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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