
AZ State Sen Kelly Townsend: Demands AG Brnovich Investigate AZ Audit Findings After County’s Bogus Response

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich

Yesterday, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Charman Jack Sellers released a statement where he told the auditors they’re wrong with no evidence instead of coming to the table like a man and showing us why. 

Maricopa County Supervisor Jack Sellers Fails BADLY With Total BS Response To AZ Audit Hearing

The Gateway Pundit reported that Senator Kelly Townsend called on County Supervisors to “with us in a professional way or resign, one or the other.”

AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend At Senate Hearing: “IT’S A COME TO JESUS MOMENT – I Wouldn’t Want To Cooperate Either”

Instead, Sellers released a statement where he just said “no, you’re wrong on all accounts” with no reasoning as to why.

The Arizona Senate would appreciate the County telling them exactly why they’re wrong but they don’t have an answer. This is further impeding this investigation.

Arizona State Senator Kelly Towsend wants to see indictments for this obstruction of justice and spoliation of evidence.

Townsend: Upon seeing this, it is very clear they have no intention in cooperating with the Senate. Therefore, I am asking @GeneralBrnovich to open an investigation immediately to look at the adjudicated ballots and missing serial numbers, among many other things.

I believe a reasonable amount of time for the County Supervisors to prove the Senate wrong with the audit findings is by the end of the month. If they are unable to by that time, I am calling on the Attorney General to open an investigation.

This is HUGE.

These serious findings must be investigated and those responsible must be held accountable.

It is clear that Sellers has no intention of complying with the Senate and they now have two weeks to deliver a real response to the findings and deliver the subpoenaed routers, passwords, and splunk logs before indictments begin.

Senator Doug Mastriano also gave Counties in Pennsylvania until the end of the month to comply with his request for election evidence.

UPDATE: PA State Senator Doug Mastriano Initiates Full Forensic Audit – Says He Has the Votes on Committee for Subpoenas to Audit Several Pennsylvania Counties –VIDEO

On July 31, there will be a firestorm in Arizona and Pennsylvania.

The post AZ State Sen Kelly Townsend: Demands AG Brnovich Investigate AZ Audit Findings After County’s Bogus Response appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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