
Clown Show: Adam Schiff Gets Choked Up During January 6 Hearing, “God Help Us” (VIDEO)

And the Academy Award goes to….

The January 6 Select Committee is underway and it’s a total clown show.

RINO loser Liz Cheney attacked Trump’s White House during her opening statement.

Weirdo RINO Rep. Kinzinger started crying like a baby during the “January 6 Select Committee” hearing.

Now this…

Russian collusion truther and serial liar Adam Schiff got choked up and could barely speak on Tuesday during the hearing.

“If we’re no longer committed to a peaceful transfer of power after elections if our side doesn’t win, then God help us. If we deem elections illegitimate merely because they didn’t go our way … then God help us.”

Says the impeachment ringleader who spent years lying about Trump-Russia collusion.


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