
Joe Biden Says Virus “Misinformation” on Social Media is “Killing People” (VIDEO)

Joe Biden on Friday was asked if he had a message to platforms like Facebook while he was on the South Lawn of the White House about to board Marine One.

“What’s your message to platforms like Facebook?” a reporter asked Biden.

“They’re killing people,” Biden said. “I mean they’re really — look, the only pandemic we really have is among the unvaccinated and they’re killing people.”

Classic projection.

The US government actively suppressed information on affordable Covid treatments such as HQC and Ivermectin because they don’t make the pharmaceutical companies billions of dollars a year.

Thousands of people have died from the experimental Covid vaccines but that information is also being censored by the social media giants.


This is the new lie coming from the White House and the CDC (which is now an extension of the Biden Admin) in order to justify censoring Americans.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky on Friday sounded the alarm and warned of a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

Walensky’s warning comes as the Biden Administration sends goons door-to-door to harass unvaccinated Americans.

“There is a clear message that is coming through,” Walensky said during a Friday news briefing. “This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated. We are seeing outbreaks of cases in parts of the country that have low vaccination coverage because unvaccinated people are at risk.”

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