
Now We Know Why Wisconsin’s Speaker Vos Does Not Want the 2020 Election Forensically Audited

Speaker Vos won’t permit the ballots from the 2020 Election to be forensically audited.  Instead of standing up for the Constitution and his oath of office, he kowtows to his friends Rence Priebus and Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney.

In November, a couple of days after the election, the Republican House Speaker in Wisconsin ordered a committee to look into fraudulent votes in the election a few days prior.  Nothing happened as a result.  It was a head fake.

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos Directs Committee to Review Statewide Election Amid Concerns Over Massive Midnight Ballot Dump For Joe Biden

In December the Republican Speaker of Wisconsin’s House set up a public hearing to discuss the results of the 2020 Election in Wisconsin.  Tens of thousands of ballots (140,000) dropped for Biden in the morning of November 4th.  There was no legitimate explanation for this but the state certified the election anyways.

This hearing from the Republican speaker meant nothing.  Nothing happened as a result and the state certified the election for Biden with these unexplained votes included.  Biden was given the state by 20,000 votes. 

Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Vos: Republicans Will Convene Public Hearing on ‘Numerous Concerns’ Regarding 2020 Election on December 11

Then in March, the Wisconsin Assembly ordered an audit of the results in Wisconsin – to be performed by the state auditors.  But this will never catch the fraud.  To get to the fraud you have to perform a forensic audit of all the votes.  The state auditors are grossly unqualified to do what was done in Arizona.

JUST IN: Republican-Controlled Wisconsin Assembly Authorizes Investigation of 2020 Presidential Election

Then Speaker Vos announced he’s hiring three retired cops to look into the 2020 Election.  They too will never address the fraud in the 2020 Election.  To get to the fraud you have to perform a forensic audit of all the votes.

Skunk Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Hires Three Retired Cops to Look at Election Integrity?… But Won’t Launch Forensic Audit Despite Late Night Ballot Dump

President Trump knows how to get to the results in Wisconsin as do the many people from Wisconsin who read TGP.  To get to the fraud you have to perform a forensic audit of all the votes.

President Trump Blasts Crooked Wisconsin RINOs Robin Vos, Chris Kapenga and Devin LeMahieu for Preventing Forensic Audit in State

We warned the state and Vos about the fact that only a forensic audit would address invalid audits included in the election.

What Are Corrupt Republican RINOs in Wisconsin Like Robin Vos Going to Do If Arizona Patriots Prove the 2020 Election Was Stolen?

Then the Speaker announced he was going to hire a former Supreme Court Justice in the state to oversee the bogus work created to date in the state.  To get to the fraud you have to perform a forensic audit of all the votes.

Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Does Another Head Fake – Why Won’t He Order a Forensic Audit of Ballots in the Badger State?

Here’s why the audit of the election should be a forensic audit of the ballots recorded in the election.  This is because ballots are valuable like money and must be audited like you would money.

IMPORTANT FACT: Money and Ballots Are Valuable, That’s Why You Ensure Every Penny and Every Ballot Is Valid When Auditing These Precious Items

Today we discovered why Speaker Vos won’t call for a forensic audit in Wisconsin.  It’s because of his relationships with two men who happen to hate President Trump, Reince Priebus, and Paul Ryan.  We found this tidbit in an article from 2016.

In college, Priebus was roommates with Vos and Andy Speth, who became Paul Ryan’s chief of staff. They and their friends were dubbed the “Whitewater Mafia.”

Priebus probably hated President Trump for some time but he really hated Trump after being removed from the White House.  This was after Priebus contaminated the Trump White House with a bunch of Never-Trumpers like himself.

Paul Ryan hated President Trump for some time.  He stabbed him in the back before and after the 2016 election.  He blocked President Trump’s bill to make America great again.  He hates President Trump.  President Trump saw right through him:

‘A Curse to the Republican Party’ – Trump Blasts RINO Loser Paul Ryan in Blistering Statement

There will be no forensic audit of any ballots in the 2020 election in Wisconsin.  Wisconsin will have to live with the results.  Speaker Vos cares more about his friends than the Constitution and getting to the truth of the 2020 Election.  

The post Now We Know Why Wisconsin’s Speaker Vos Does Not Want the 2020 Election Forensically Audited appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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