
State Senator Sonny Borelli on Today’s AZ Hearing: “I’m Hearing There’s Some Very Eye-Opening Things that Are Going to Be Revealed – We’re All Waiting” (VIDEO)

Arizona State Senator Sonny Borelli joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Thursday morning before the much anticipated Senate meeting today discussing updates and results from the historic Maricopa County forensic audit.

During the discussion, Sonny Borelli WENT OFF on crooked Secretary of State Katie Hobbs who has done everything in her power to block an audit of the Maricopa County election.
What is she hiding?

Borelli called on crooked Katie Hobbs and the Maricopa County Elections Supervisors to step down immediately! Before the results are announced.

And Sonny dropped this teaser about today’s Senate hearing at 1 PM Eastern.

Senator Borelli: We’re going to see what the audit team found on counting the ballots, on counting the bubbles, to see if they followed the proper prodecures and policies as set forth in statute… We will see what they found and see if they found some other anomalies that shouldn’t be there. We’re going to hear it all. They’re really keeping this close to the vest. I really don’t have any heads up details of what they’re going to reveal today… This morning I’m hearing there’s going to be some very eye-opening things that are going to be revealed. And, we’re all waiting.

Via The War Room:

The post State Senator Sonny Borelli on Today’s AZ Hearing: “I’m Hearing There’s Some Very Eye-Opening Things that Are Going to Be Revealed – We’re All Waiting” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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