
“The Person Who Shot Ashli Babbit – BOOM! Right Through the Head” – President Trump Brings up Gunned Down Veteran Ashli Babbit at Tech Presser

President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday morning his lawsuit against Twitter, Facebook and Google.
The press conference took place at 11 AM Eastern.

Over 192,000 Americans watched President Trump’s speech live on the RSBN Rumble channel.

During his questions from the press (without index cards), President Trump discussed the travesty of the Jan. 6 non-violent protesters languishing in jail in isolation without a public trial.

This breaks every judicial law since this country’s founding.

President Trump also brought up Ashli Babbitt, the US veteran who was gunned down by Capitol Police Lieutienent on Jan. 6th.

As we reported on Tuesday

The Gateway Pundit confirmed that Lt. Mike Byrd was Ashli Babbit’s shooter.

Lt. Byrd killed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood on Jan. 6 in the US Capitol.

One person was murdered that day. Her name was Ashli Babbitt, a Trump-supporting US veteran.

In June Ashli Babbitt‘s husband Aaron Babbitt and Attorney Terrell Roberts joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the murder of Ashli Babbitt.

Attorney Terrell Roberts confirmed during the show that the officer who shot Babbitt is the same Capitol Hill Police Lt. Mike Byrd who left his loaded gun in a men’s bathroom on Capitol Hill.

On Tuesday The Gateway Pundit confirmed that Lt. Mike Byrd was named in 2019 as the officer who left his gun in the men’s room.

Now there is more proof —

WILLIAM HALL on Gab sent us this video that further incriminates Lt. Mike Byrd as the shooter.

The Capitol Hill Sergeant At Arms Timothy Blodgett accidentally CONFIRMED during testimony that Lieutenant Mike Byrd killed Ashli Babbitt. He named Byrd during his testimony.

Blodgett: We’re in close contact. The situation where you discussed where officer Byrd was at the door when Miss Babbitt was shot. It was our sergeant at arms employee who rendered the aid to her.

Video uploaded by WILLIAM HALL:

The Democrats, Pelosi, the Deep State, dirtbag FBI Director Chris Wray and the mainstream fake-news media have all been protecting Lt. Mike Byrd.
They are all protecting a cold-blooded killer and see nothing wrong with it.

This is who they are.

The post “The Person Who Shot Ashli Babbit – BOOM! Right Through the Head” – President Trump Brings up Gunned Down Veteran Ashli Babbit at Tech Presser appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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