
WAYNE ROOT: UFC Fight Night with Conor McGregor is More Proof Election Was Stolen

By Wayne Allyn Root

I’d like to call the Democrat Party and the liberal mainstream media stupid. I’d like to call them morons. I’d like to call them incompetent. But I can’t. They’re actually cunning, brilliant and pure evil.

They hid the greatest Ponzi scheme and first-ever $1 trillion scam in world history- Obamacare.

They covered up the fact that the DNC and Democrat Party rigged and stole the 2016 Democrat primary on behalf of Hillary Clinton.

When Donald J. Trump won the 2016 election in a massive upset, they pulled off brilliant scams to slander and slow him with impeachment attempts built around “Russian collusion” that never happened and a private and perfectly legal phone call between Trump and the President of Ukraine.

The media buried the biggest story of corruption in America’s history by making Hunter Biden’s laptop (that implicated Joe Biden in bribery scandals with both Ukraine and China) just disappear.

They covered up the rigged and stolen 2020 election.

After they stole the election, they banned all mention of it. Now they’re trying to ban all forensic audits.

They’re getting bolder, more reckless and corrupt by the day.

So, what does all this fraud and fake news have to do with a UFC fight? EVERYTHING.

What happened Saturday night at the Conor McGregor UFC fight with the world watching is just more proof that the media is corrupt, evil and diabolical. It’s more proof they lie and scam about everything. It’s just more proof that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen.

It was just another BIG LIE just like the rigged and stolen election. Just like Hunter Biden’s laptop.

As many of you know I’m “Mr. Las Vegas.” I’m the only conservative national radio and TV host based in Las Vegas. Before my political and media careers, the media called me “the King of Vegas Sports Gambling.” I have a 180-pound granite star on the Las Vegas Walk of Stars- along with Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Wayne Newton and Liberace. My life is built around Vegas.

I had just returned from a trip and I was exhausted, so I decided not to attend the UFC fight. But I was relaxing and watching “Fight Night” with friends at my Vegas home when suddenly my cell phone blew up. Hundreds of friends and fans let me know that former President Donald J. Trump had just walked into the T-Mobile arena. Then they let me know he got the most remarkable standing ovation in the history of any championship fight night. The crowd loved him. The crowd roared in delight. Over 20,000 sports fans showed him with love and chanted “USA, USA, USA.”

My cameraman friends were working the fight. They reported to me that Trump was hanging out in the front row with Phil Ruffin, billionaire owner of the Treasure Island Resort and Robert Kraft, the billionaire owner of the NFL’s New England Patriots (winners of six Super Bowls). Three of the world’s richest and most powerful billionaires were hanging out together. This was one of the great celebrity sightings in “Fight Night” history. In Vegas history. In television history.

But you’ll never guess what the ESPN pay-per-view telecast showed the millions of viewers at home. NOTHING.

No mention was ever made of Trump arriving, or walking into the arena, or being showered with over 20,000 people cheering and chanting “USA, USA, USA.” Not once during the entire fight card did any announcer mention that President Trump was sitting in the front row.

Wait, it gets better. ESPN showed tons of celebrities in the crowd all night long. But never once did they show even a fleeting shot of the biggest celebrity in the world and former leader of the free world. Never did they think to show three of the world’s most famous billionaires sitting together.

ESPN erased Trump from the event like he was never there. ESPN made believe over 20,000 fans never serenaded Trump with cheers and chants of “USA, USA, USA.” They made believe Trump wasn’t sitting in the front row, even though millions of TV viewers could see him. They made believe Trump isn’t the biggest celebrity in the world. They made believe he isn’t beloved. They made believe none of this was significant, not even worth mentioning.

And they did all of this right out in the open, with the whole sports world watching.

That says it all, folks. China didn’t release the China flu pandemic from a military biowarfare lab. The 2020 election wasn’t rigged and stolen. Trump never arrived at UFC “Fight Night” in Vegas to one of the greatest celebrity ovations ever.

Oh, and the check is in the mail.

If you still believe anything the mainstream media frauds, liars, and scam artists are telling you…

And if you still believe the 2020 election wasn’t rigged and stolen…

I have a bridge to sell you…

Over the Pacific Ocean…

In Las Vegas.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Wayne is the author of the new #1 national bestselling book, “TRUMP RULES.” Wayne is a CEO, entrepreneur and host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 PM to 9 PM EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast. Visit ROOTforAmerica.com, or listen live at http://usaradio.com/wayne-allyn-root/ or “on demand” 24/7 at iHeartRadio.com.

The post WAYNE ROOT: UFC Fight Night with Conor McGregor is More Proof Election Was Stolen appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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