
Coming Soon to Kabul: Women Beaten with Sticks, Shot in the Head in Stadium Executions (VIDEO)

Taliban executes a woman in packed stadium in 1999.

Back in 1999 before the 9-11 attacks on the United States, the Taliban executed a woman cowering beneath a pale blue all-enveloping burqa, in the first public execution of a woman since the terrorist organization took control of Kabul.
According to the AP at the time–

The woman, identified only as Zarmeena, a mother of seven children, was found guilty of beating her husband to death with a steel hammer as he slept. The reason for the killing two years ago was a family dispute,” according to a Taliban soldier, who didn’t give his name.

Zarmeena was taken from the back of a pickup truck that drove into the sports stadium. Two female police officers, both in deep blue burqas, held Zarmeena’s arms.

Witnesses said the convicted woman walked slowly, each step followed by a pause.

When she reached the center of the field she was ordered by one of the women to sit.

Behind her a young Taliban soldier, his head wrapped in the traditional turban, took aim with his Kalashnikov rifle. But suddenly Zarmeena stood up and tried to flee. A policewoman stopped her and forced her to sit, said witnesses.

The Taliban soldier moved closer and shot her three times.

Afterward from the crowd several people shouted “Allahu Akbar! (God is great.)”

on Sunday the Taliban stormed Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.

The barbarians took control of the presidential palace.

The public beatings of women will commence.

Will the leftist “womens rights” groups defend Joe Biden on this too.

The post Coming Soon to Kabul: Women Beaten with Sticks, Shot in the Head in Stadium Executions (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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