
HUGE CONFLICT UNCOVERED: Janet Yellen Made Over $7 Million in 2020 for Speeches (on ZOOM Calls) During COVID from Citi Alone

In January it was reported that Janet Yellen made more than $1 million in speaking fees from Citidel.  Now we find out Yellen made $7 million in speaking fees in 2020 from Citibank alone.  

In January we reported that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen had received $1 million in speaking fees from Citidel in 2020.

Did Biden’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Violate Her Ethics Agreement by Participating in Matters Involving Citadel?

Overnight we found out that this was small potatoes.

The US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has been accused of corruption due to receiving $7.2 million in ‘speaking fees’ from just Citi bank and the Citadel hedge fund.

“Since much of America was locked down in 2020, those speeches are almost all Zoom calls, done from her home. $7.2 million total,” Bruce Fenton, a long time bitcoiner, says.

Yellen’s official limited disclosure reveals she received millions more from other banks like Barclays, BNP, UBS, and more.

That indicates that her incentives are completely misaligned because her government salary is just $221,400 a year, while just Citi has paid her more than $7 million.

Moreover while this sum might look like a small amount for an open bribe, Yellen’s wealth is estimated to be $20 million, so she has been given in one year almost half her net worth by just one bank.

The USA is for sale in the Biden Administration.  Policies are put in place for the highest bidder.

The post HUGE CONFLICT UNCOVERED: Janet Yellen Made Over $7 Million in 2020 for Speeches (on ZOOM Calls) During COVID from Citi Alone appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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