
HUGE NEWS: Wisconsin Speaker Vos Traveled with President Trump to Alabama Rally – Time for Vos to Back Forensic Audit or Resign

We’ve reported on Wisconsin’s Speaker Vos for months.  The Speaker won’t order a forensic audit of the state’s 2020 Election results.  It’s time for him to do so or resign.

Wisconsin’s Speaker Robin Vos has done everything but the right thing in addressing the corruption in the 2020 Election in his state.

BREAKING: Wisconsin Speaker Vos Gives Former Judge More Authority But Still Won’t Call for a Forensic Audit of 2020 Election Like Arizona’s

We found out that he is good friends with RINO’s Reince Priebus and Paul Ryan which is why he won’t do the right thing.

Now We Know Why Wisconsin’s Speaker Vos Does Not Want the 2020 Election Forensically Audited

Word is today that Speaker Vos traveled with President Trump on a private plane last night to the massive rally in Alabama last night.

Wisconsin State Representative Robin Vos traveled by private plane with President Trump and top staff to attend his rally in Alabama Saturday afternoon.

According to a press release from State Representative Vos, Vos spent the day sharing with Trump his plans to restore integrity and trust in elections in Wisconsin.

“While our attempts to make common sense election reforms to close loopholes and standardize procedures were vetoed by Governor Evers, we have doubled down on our top-to-bottom investigation by Special Counsel Justice Michael Gableman,” says Vos. “We will do whatever it takes to help Justice Gableman uncover reports of systematic fraud in our forensic audit.”

It’s clear that no matter how much corruption comes out of his state’s 2020 Election results, Speaker Vos will not do the right thing.  Instead of authorizing a full forensic audit like the one finishing up in Arizona, Speaker Vos brings in a retired judge to lead a half-baked audit that will never address the issues in Wisconsin in the election.  Over 140,000 ballots for Joe Biden only were dropped in Wisconsin in the early morning of November 4th and Vos still won’t fight for Americans and the people of his state to do the right thing.

If Vos doesn’t back a forensic audit in key counties in Wisconsin by Monday he absolutely should resign.  Our country is being destroyed and Vos shows he is lost in politics.  We need a leader in Wisconsin who will do the next right thing, not this clown.

The post HUGE NEWS: Wisconsin Speaker Vos Traveled with President Trump to Alabama Rally – Time for Vos to Back Forensic Audit or Resign appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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