
Minneapolis Democrat Official Says BLM Lighting Police Station on Fire Was ‘Pure Righteousness’

A high level Democrat party official in Minneapolis has called Black Lives Matter terrorists lighting a police station on fire an “act of pure righteousness.”

Devin Hogan, the chair of the Minneapolis Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party which is the state affiliate of the national Democratic Party, wrote in an op-ed for Southside Pride that “the cops started it.”

“At this point the world was paying attention. Friends and family were reaching out. How come words won’t satiate people? Why Minneapolis? The cops started it, I replied. They killed George Floyd and took every opportunity to escalate, agitate and make things worse. The cops are rioting and the people are responding,” Hogan wrote.

Hogan continued, “like it or not, setting the Third Precinct on fire was a genuine revolutionary moment. An act of pure righteousness to open new worlds of understanding. The people declared themselves ungovernable and unilaterally took their power back. The largest international human rights movement in modern history had begun. The youth of Minneapolis carried all of this. The cops started it.”

In a now-deleted Facebook post, Hogan was unapologetic even after facing backlash for his endorsement of violent riots and arson.

“The truth hurts. Accurately describing reality is not a call to arms. Explaining the conditions of violent repression with the reasons why and how people react to that oppression is not condoning violence. Fetishizing decorum over substance is a hallmark of white supremacy. If antiracism offends your sensibilities then please use this moment to examine the role you play in maintaining and upholding these systems. Which side are you on?” Hogan wrote in the post.

In April, a rioter named Dylan Shakespeare Robinson, 23, was sentenced to four years in prison and $12 million in restitution for the arson.

“On the night of May 28, 2020, Mr. Robinson chose to depart from lawful protest and instead engaged in violence and destruction,” said a statement by Acting U.S. Attorney Anders Folk, whose office prosecuted the case. “The arson at the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct put lives at risk and contributed to widespread lawlessness in Minneapolis.”

The post Minneapolis Democrat Official Says BLM Lighting Police Station on Fire Was ‘Pure Righteousness’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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