
NPR Attacks Gateway Pundit, Uses Spouse of Ten Year Dominion Employee to Provide ‘Independent’ Commentary on Whistleblower Who Identified Potential Crimes in 2020 Election

What a mess the elections are in Colorado.  Dominion-related election officials are now being used to disparage whistleblowers who identified corrupt activities in the 2020 Election.

NPR reported yesterday:

Colorado officials said Thursday that a local county clerk allowed an unauthorized person into a secure facility during an annual upgrade to the county’s election equipment software, compromising the equipment.

The Mesa County clerk, Tina Peters, could be in legal trouble. She’s currently at a conference led by a prominent election conspiracy theorist.

That security breach means Mesa County, in the far western part of the state, will not be able to use the equipment for its fall election. While the unauthorized access did not create an imminent, direct security risk to Colorado’s elections, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold said her office’s investigation confirmed that the unauthorized person did release the passwords for the underlying voting machine software online.

“We know that that information was posted by an extreme conspiracy theorist last week,” Griswold said, referring to the Gateway Pundit, a conservative news site that traffics in election conspiracy theories.

She has prohibited Mesa County from using the current Dominion Voting equipment for the next election. The county can replace it and install new equipment in the next few weeks or do a hand count this November.

The hit piece from the nation’s National Public Radio used a mouthpiece for the Secretary of State, Matt Crane, who is always identified as a ‘Republican’, to make its case.

Matt Crane, head of the Colorado County Clerks Association, had harsh words for what occurred in Mesa County but emphasized that the breach only affected local election machines.

“It was a solo, intentional and selfish act that jeopardized the conduct of and the elections and Mesa County and affects the competence of voters throughout the state. We’ve heard people say that this is heroic. To be clear. There is nothing heroic or honorable about what happened in Mesa County,” said Crane, a Republican and former Arapahoe County clerk.

Crane is not impartial –  his wife worked for Dominion for years.

RINO Matt Crane Sends Letter of Congratulations to Colorado Election Workers for 2020 Election While Calling Their Work “Trusted”

Colorado cannot let the truth about the 2020 Election from being heard or seen.  They will do all they can to keep the insane method of voting in the state in place.

The post NPR Attacks Gateway Pundit, Uses Spouse of Ten Year Dominion Employee to Provide ‘Independent’ Commentary on Whistleblower Who Identified Potential Crimes in 2020 Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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